hi there. i have a spirited 15 month old son who has always been a great sleeper, but is on the less than average side of sleep needs, the problem is that now he's consistently sleeping less than 10 hours a night and i can't help but wonder if he is needing more night sleep. he's become a bit grumpier the past few weeks and i don't know if it's this young, frustrating toddler stage where they can't verbalize what they need or want or if it's teething (he's getting his 4th molar in as we speak) or if it's an OT state. since he's always needed less sleep than the average baby, i am tempted to chalk up the grumpiness to teething or a frustrating stage of toddlerhood, but i just wanted someone else's opinion. our typical day looks like this:
6 or 6:20 - wakeup
7:30 - milk and breakfast
10:30 - snack
12 - lunch
1- nap (usually 2 hours, sometimes less)
3 - milk
4:30 - snack
6:30 - dinner
8 - begin bedtime routine, usually asleep by 8:30 (with as much as 15 mins of crying, although most nights it's 5 minutes or less)
Please help...this fussy stage is really hard to deal with since I stay home full time and have no breaks.