My dd is nearly 8 months and we have been doing the dream feed intermittently for a few weeks. When she hit 6 months she started waking at night from hunger, so I fed her whilst we started on solids until she was getting more calories during the day. Unfortunately, through AP, a 5.30 feed remained. At first I thought she was really hungry (she always takes a full feed - never says no!) but I now think she was just using it as comfort and then a habit was formed. Over the last couple of weeks, we re-introduced a dream feed to see if it stopped the 5.30 wake but it didn't make a difference, as it was obviously not to do with hunger. So last night, I dream-fed her to give me the confidence to pu/pd, knowing that she was definitely not hungry. To cut a long story short, she went back to sleep without a feed until 8.30am, and wasn't even starving hungry on waking. So now I'm not really sure what to do about the dream feed as she should be dropping it around now anyway. How do you do it when bfing? Just bring it back by half an hour every 3 nights? My BW book seems pretty focused on bottle feeding when explaining how to do it. To make things a bit more complicated, we started using formula for the dream feed as my let-down was too slow and she wouldn't suckle long enough. Now I'm worried that if she's taking lots of calories at the dream feed, she won't take enough milk during the day and my supply will drop. I bf exclusively during the day. It's all so confusing!