My dd is 16 months old. We are having some sleep issues. I think she is transitioning to 1 nap but I am having a hard time knowing what to do. Here is our schedule (although it is a little different from day to day).
6:30 (5:30 since the time changed) wakes up. I try to leave her in bed for 1/2 hour unless she is really crying. I then bf
7:30 breakfast
8 bath, play
sometime between 9-11 she is ready for a nap. If I let her sleep it last about 1.5 hrs.
11 or 12 lunch
play and snack
3:30 she is tired but won't sleep so we play until dinner
6 dinner
6:30 wind down, bf
7-7:30 bed
It seems like no matter what time I put her to bed at night she wakes up the same time the next morning.
The last 2 days have awakened her from her nap after about 1 hrs and she still won't take the pm nap
She is really OT by about 6.