Author Topic: 15 month old EW and NW is driving me crazy! So tired!!  (Read 880 times)

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Offline celtic14

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15 month old EW and NW is driving me crazy! So tired!!
« on: November 06, 2008, 20:49:48 pm »
Since my DS was born he has never been a good sleeper but is very good at going to bed independently! Since he turned one he has started to get better and still is compared to when he was younger. Though for the past month or two he has woken with quite a few NW and an EW (430/5am) when i thought we were getting better. Dont know why. As he has a handful of times slept 7pm-530/6am and twice 7pm-7am (i could not belive this). I have tried to extend his bedtime to 730pm and short am nap and a longer pm nap 1-2 hours! I must be doing something wrong. HV tells me some children are like this. Fair enough but im a single mum so its not as though i get support with DS sleeping. Sometimes i get only 4/5 hours sleep.  :( :(

Just feel he will always be like this. I never go out as im not sure any babysitter i get will know what to do when he wakes up (which he does). And the EW stop me from going out.  ??? ??? just puzzled to what to do.

Offline speechie

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Re: 15 month old EW and NW is driving me crazy! So tired!!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 21:09:38 pm »
Hugs honey- sorry you are still sleep deprived.
Could you post your routine and see what others have to say?
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline celtic14

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Re: 15 month old EW and NW is driving me crazy! So tired!!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 22:24:03 pm »
Well my routine can change depending on DS but its generally like this:

5am bottle
7-8am nap
8am breakfast
830am - 12pm Activities
12pm Lunch
1230pm Quiet Acitivities
130-300pm Nap
3-500pm Activities
5pm Tea
530-7pm activities
7pm Bath,pj's,stories and bottle (few sips)
730pm Bed

Bedtime routine is very structured daytime can vary as DS can wake up at different times. And sometimes will go back to bed with me for another hour. And Ds will usually wake up at least once or maybe twice usually 9pm. As he gets stuck at the top of his cot and hates it. I just go in move him back down and leave the room quietly. Sometimes he will wake up at 2.30am so do as i usually do with no talking. I always wait a few min before going into his room as he can usually get back to sleep himself it all depends. People tell me to let him cry and not go to him. But im so tired it takes two seconds to go in move him if he is stuck or hand him his dummy. I just want some sleep not greedily wanting loads just enough to function!

Offline speechie

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Re: 15 month old EW and NW is driving me crazy! So tired!!
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 22:32:24 pm »
OH! My LO woke for his pacifier4-6 times per night. Is it possible he is a paci addict? you may want to peek at the props board to get a sense of this... it can cause nightwakings...Once we got rid of the paci, he slept much better, esp. with his lovie.
also, have you tried moving his bedtime up a little earlier? Maybe OT sould be contributing?...
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline celtic14

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Re: 15 month old EW and NW is driving me crazy! So tired!!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 15:41:44 pm »
I could try that it was originally 7pm then i changed it to 730pm thinking he would sleep longer how wrong was I. I do think he is a paci addict! Could try weaning him off it.