Author Topic: Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?  (Read 1851 times)

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Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:45:47 am »
Rayne gets a bunch of red spots that look like hives but don't bother her anytime she has something with eggs in it. Will this go away eventually or will she always be allergic to eggs? I just need a bit of insight!
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Re: Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 12:56:04 pm »
It's hard to say! I have read they can grow out of it by the time they are 5/6 or they could always have issues with eggs. I'm not sure if it depends on the severity of the reaction either. My LO is "mildly" allergic to eggs, he got red weals the first time he had just egg and his face went bright red with swollen eyes and ears after an eggy pudding. With hindsight egg in things makes his reflux worse so we avoid all egg. If it is an allergy then more exposure can make it worse, not sure if that is the case for an intolerance or not.

He is supposed to be having an egg challenge when he turns two to see if he still has it - should be interesting!


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Re: Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 16:36:10 pm »
Sounds like an egg allergy so I would really avoid it.  Every time they are exposed could make it worse.  Yes, they can grow out of it too.  I would bring it up to your doctor and perhaps they can get him properly tested for the allergy and see how severe it really is.  My son was just diagnosed with an egg allergy last week and now he has to carry an epi-pen!  The first and only time he's had egg was at 12 months and he had sweats and diarrhea a few hours after, and that's all it was.  But it can get worse so you never really know.
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Re: Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2008, 02:42:43 am »
I agree with the PP's.  I had a friend who's son was allergic to egg, but could it eat in baked foods.  He did outgrow it by the time he was 4.

My sister has an egg allergy, but is only affected by cooked eggs.  She can eat Mayo and foods with it in there.

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Re: Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 10:18:31 am »
My son is allergic to egg. Had his 1st reaction at about 8mths old (1st xposure to egg). His face and extremeties swell and his excema flares (has only been exposed once after his first reaction when it was in a sauce and he reacted). Interestingly his skin prick tests came back neg! His specialist has said that an egg allergy is a 'good'  :Pallergy to have as most children will outgrow it between 2 - 3years. The best way to have this happen is total avoidance of egg and any products containing it. This hasn't been a huge prob for us though I do miss having poached eggs :-[ however the easiest way to avoid it has been to avoid having anything with eggs in it or eggs themselves in the house. Specialist also said the fact the test came back neg shows the diff between a lab test and an actual product and child... We will have blood tests when he's 2 I'm really hoping he'll have outgrown it by then!
I would suggest you talk to your dr about testing (The skin pricks don't hurt!) and do complete avoidance till then
HTH and good luck! :-*
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Re: Possible egg allergy..wil she grow out of it?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2008, 18:44:21 pm »
thank you all for your help....i spoke to the dr who is going to wait until he sees her in dec for her check up and he will order the allergy tests...ive since stopped trying the eggs and havent had a problem at all :)
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