I thought it might be helpful for me if I posted his routine over the next few days as we continue to try to work this out. Maybe you could look at it each day and let me know what you think. Like I said, I am just not thinking clearly right now. My dear mother-in-law has passed away and the stress of that on top of a non-sleeping baby is just a bit much right now. Thank God our toddler loves his sleep!!!
So, here is today so far:
wake and eat 7:15 (woo hoo!!!!) - he whimpered a little at 6:15, but went back to sleep
S 9:20 - 11:15, but he woke at the 30 minute point, crying, and fussed off and on throughout entire "nap"
E 11:20
S 1:10 - 1:40, fussed off an on, but has been "talking" to himself for almost an hour now, still in his crib
This is the first time he has EVER woken without crying. He never talks to himself, always cries.
This is where we are currently. So, little sleep has been had again!