Author Topic: BFing going horribly second time around  (Read 5523 times)

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2008, 20:05:19 pm »
If her long sleeps are at night, then leave her.  She may be getting her day/night schedule sorted out.
Only wake them during the day.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2008, 23:21:55 pm »
Yes, let her sleep, sweetie!  Glad your feeling better about everything.  :-*

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2008, 08:41:49 am »
right, just let her sleep.

Glad you're feeling better.

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2008, 21:39:52 pm »
I've been wondering how you're doing.  So glad to hear you're feeling more relaxed.

With DD1, when I wasn't always that confident about my milk supply, I woke her after 4 hours of night sleep to eat until she was about 6 weeks.  With DD2, I was never lucky enough to wonder whether I should wake her or not.

But yes, at the age your DD is at now, I'd let her sleep, especially if her last nursing session was a marathon one.

Oh, and my DD2 also would only ever take one side for the first few months.  If I tried to offer the second side, she'd scream at me and arch her back, as if to say, "I'm done already!  Stop trying to feed me!"
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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2008, 13:42:42 pm »
Well, things were going well for about a week (sigh).  The past 2 afternoons, dd has started crying about 4, rooting like she's starving (even though she had just eaten an hour before), but crying and pulling back when I try to latch her on.  This lasts till she cries herself to sleep around 7:30. (rooting and frantically sucking her hand, then refusing to nurse)  The first day she did this, she then had 3 good night feedings, but last night, after eating well at 12 and 3am, at 5:30 am, she started doing what she has been doing at night, and now she hasn't eaten in hours.  I have no idea what to do.  Do I call the ped or the lactation consultant?   Do I try and nurse her constantly today, or just try every hour or so and pump every 2 hrs when she normally would eat?  We've had wt gain and supply issues in the past, and I'm sure ths is going to bring both back.  She also is not sleeping--up every hour, about, unless she is on my chest.  She is gassy, and has had more bms than usual--should I start taking stuff out of my diet?  I'm thinking both reflux or a thrush reccurence or a food intolerance mt cause this stuff but I have no idea how to find out which one???  She cries when I let down, and also when I don't let down fast enough...???????  I have 2 recurrent thoughts running thru my head that are not at all productive but won't go away:  Ds was such a challengng baby (and is still that way), it's just not fair that this one is even more of a challenge!!! (I know, more woe is me stuff..)  And, dd and I have had so many issues since she was born, I'd give anything to just back the clock up 2 months and start over :'(  DH thinks I've gone off the deep end, since this morning he got up to find me and dd sobbing together on the couch, poor guy!  Sorry to ramble.  Any ideas?

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2008, 15:39:21 pm »
Will have a think, but for now {{hugs}} & call your LC.  :-*

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2008, 16:03:43 pm »
reflux is trial and error with meds - the only sleeping on you thing made my ears prick and I thought reflux too.  I think it's definitely worth investigating further.  Gaviscon would be a good place to start.  Try taking mega doses of lactose acidophilus (at least 10 billion cultures per day), along with grapefruit seed extract to make a dent on possible thrush - does she have a nappy rash at all?

And non productive thoughts they may be but they are still there and you have every right to feel miserable.  Hugs to you sweetie - life can seem pretty damn wrotten at times, especially when sleep deprivation is living at your house :-*

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2008, 16:15:56 pm »
Hi,sooo well done you for persevering!I had huge problems breastfeeding my baby.I had thrush almost constantly for almost 6 months but now its gone and I hope not to return again!How are your nipples?Are you having any aching in your breasts?Can you see anything in your babys mouth?Sometimes baby may have thrush but it may be in the throat rather than the mouth and so the oral drops do the trick again.If this is the case you may notice symptoms with you first. I found with my baby that chilli caused her to have really bad wind and the bottom end and she would cry with this. I have spoken to other mums who have found that thier babies refuse or don't like the milk if it tastes odd after they have eaten onions,garlic or strong spices, chilli etc. I know reading your posts your going through a really tough time but you can do it.If there are plenty of wet and dirty nappies DDis obviously getting fed and gaining weight as you know is the next good indicator.Try not to stress though too much it sounds like you LC is being very helpful.I'm sorry but I can't help too much with refusing the breast and being fussy and not feeding.If baby is pulling on and off on and off I had that!One other thing I found was that the breast pumps are not as gentle as baby feeding (no matter what the box they come in says) and that I noticed that just when I thought the thrush had gone I'd try to express some milk to freeze and the trush would return. It seemed to raise its ugly head only after expressing with a pump so I had to do it manually by hand (Messy and time consuming though it was!). This was only my experience. With the trush though I don't know what course of fluconazole the doctors put you on and oral suspension drops for DD but for babies I was told by health visitor that they should be on the drops for 14days to make sure its cleared up!If not and it doesn't go completely you get it again and as you said earlier that can cause fussiness as poor DD has a sore mouth. Just take each feed as it comes.Do you have any friends local to you that can visit occupy DS for a little while so you don't feel so guilty?Just remember.....DS was the only one to need your attention when it was just you and him and I'm sure you gave it to him. Now your DD needs you. Its only going to be temporary. Soon all these problems will be behind you and your DS won't even remember mummy being so otherwise occupied!Just don't worry yourself too much (easier said than done I know) but DD and DS need mummy health not on the verge of a break down!Take care your doing fantasticly remember that!You did it once, you CAN and WILL do it again!

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2008, 17:45:53 pm »
I did come up with one idea...  Is she ready to stretch out her feeds?  You mentioned pumping every 2 hr when she would normally be eating.  She may just not be hungry yet & is resisting your efforts.  Does any of that fit?  I know You've had supply issues & may be nervous of trying, but that was the only other thing I could think of. 

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2008, 17:47:47 pm »
{{{Hugs}}}  I vote call the LC and go off milk/soy.  If you suspect reflux, in bf babies that is often exacerbated if not out right caused by a dairy intolerance.  I'm sure you know this, but if you go off dairy it needs to be all traces of dairy and takes at least 2 weeks to fully leave your system


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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #40 on: December 02, 2008, 21:25:33 pm »
Aww Jen.

I'd give the pedi a call too.  She sounds like she is in pain to me.

I'm sorry this is happening.  You're right, it's not fair that she is hurting and having trouble feeding.  But I do know you will get through this and you and DD will be stronger because of it. 

Big hugs, you let us know how you're doing.

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2008, 22:21:58 pm »
{{{HUGS}}}, sweetheart.  I'm SO sorry this has been such a difficult journey for you.  I don't have any words of wisdom, but I'll be thinking of you.  Food intolerance and/or reflux do sound like possible culprits, so a vist to the ped and an elimination diet might be helpful.  More {{{HUGS}}}.
wife to Roy, 6-29-01
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Iris, 1-8-07
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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2008, 02:09:59 am »
Hey Jen I was thinking about you and thought I'd throw some hugs in the pot. 

Hope you two are doing okay.

Love you

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2008, 06:06:10 am »
hugs from me too jen.  i wish i was in the same town to give you RL hugs. 

Offline JKL

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Re: BFing going horribly second time around
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2008, 15:26:02 pm »
Thanks, everyone.  We have a drs apptmnt next week.  I took soy out of my diet (I actually had just added it back in 2 or 3 weeks ago--had stopped eating it while pregnant and just forgot I could eat it again.)  So maybe that had something to do with it...????  She was pooping like 12 times a day when I was eating soy--now it's been out for about a week and she's just going the normal amount.  Coincidence?  Who knows!  We're still hanging in...some feeds are great, some are awful, and between 4 and 8 at night, it is a nightmare, but dd is still peeing and pooping, so I guess some is going in.  Sometimes I think I am feeding her too much, then I get paranoid about her weight and my supply.  I just don't know.  The other evening, she would only nurse while I was bouncing on an exercise ball.  Another time, only when we were in the bathtub.  It doesn't seem like if she was in pain, these distractions would make it better.  On the other hand, maybe it would.  As you can see, I'm full of decisive insights ::) ;)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 15:45:50 pm by JKL »