Author Topic: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?  (Read 13749 times)

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2008, 13:38:17 pm »
I would, sorry I haven't kept up enough to know, is that her ideal day and A times? if so then thats what I'd aim for.  Basically one of 2 things will happen, either you will succesfully push her day out to her ideal day, or she will eventually just grow into her ideal day all of her own accord, trouble is that one may take longer!

Offline lesorl

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2008, 18:27:22 pm »
I'm giving up.  Last night it took her an hour to get to bed, after napping only 43 mins.  Amazingly, she slept 6:40pm-6:15am (and fell asleep independently, again!).  Ideal!

Then napped from 12pm-1pm (I think I heard her stirring around 12:45pm).  So no matter what I do, she naps horribly.

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2008, 19:54:05 pm »
try not to loose heart so quickly, it still wasn't a bad night/day overall, not perfect but totally acceptable.  Just keep plugging away Leslie, you are making progress, generally things are getting better, its just taking a looooonnnnngggggg time!

Can I comiserate with you today? Lily didn't nap for DP monday, tuesday is pre school so doesn't get a nap anyway, took a 1.5hr NW between 1.30am-3am then refused to nap again today.  I had her in her room from 12.30-2.30 today and no joy.  Tomorrow should be pre school, the jury's out on whether she goes or not  :-\ will see how tonight goes and what frame of mind she is in tomorrow.  The upshot so far is that she has been revolting today, and I get the award for being the worlds most horrible mummy, I totally lost the plot on several occasions today   :-[ :( :'(

Offline lesorl

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2008, 20:34:33 pm »
Please commiserate with me Nik!  Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one with a kid like this.

Sorry about Lily and the nap strike- didn't Ollie go thru one around the same age?  I'm sure you are getting no such award- you're doing the best you can under the circumstances, and if Lily is at all like Madeline, she knows how to push your buttons!

Hang in there!  :-*

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2008, 21:46:22 pm »
thanks honey  :-*

It started cos I took the banket out of her window sunday so i could get to the window to clean it and get rid of condensation, its an old sliding sash window and just runs with condensation.  well there was some mould  :-X on window, so the blanket went in wash basket and I figured as its winter now it wouldn't be a problem at nap times  ::)
Monday was first nap with just a black out blind and curtains!! to vlack out room, DP was left in charge, Lily was pretty hypo monday morning so I knew she would struggle to get to sleep.  Anyway when I got home Lily was down stairs and DP told me there was no way she was going to go to sleep in that light room, he said he had been up to her a few times but she was just lying there wide awake.  Personally I think he went up to often then gave in, so of course today she tried her luck with me, "i'm not tired!, it's too light in here!" (we had already blacked window out again) "come and talk to me mummy, where's daddy?".... I think she just thought I would get her up if she kept it up like daddy had  >:(

but honestly today I really do qualify for the award today, I don't like myself much today and I really don't like how I have spoken to Lily  :-[ oh yes to make my day worse Lily wanted to put on some perfume this morning and put on my nans perfume, I kept a bottle so I can still smell her and being a tired mess that caused me to break down in floods of tears in front of Lily about how much I miss nanny and wish Icould still talk to her and cuddle her :'(

anyhooooow, I've had 3 glasses of wine an I'm going to go to bed and put an end to this horrible day. 

Heres hoping tomorrow is a better day for all of us  ;)


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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2008, 22:34:54 pm »
men always cave quickly, don't they?  it's soooo frustrating.  not to mention even harder the next time YOU have to do wind down.

sorry about the perfume incident... but don't beat yourself up over it.  some days are better than others- hopefully today was better.

did the wine help last night?

i don't know if M is OT or UT.  she slept well again last night, 6:15pm-6:30am, but only napped 55 mins at 12:10pm.  Today was day 2 of nap around 12pm. 

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #81 on: November 28, 2008, 13:50:59 pm »
last 2 days have been much better thanks :-) sorry for going on the other day, just had to offload!

I kept Lily home from school yesterday and made it clear she was to nap and she fell asleep almost instantly!!  All back to normal again today.

meant to say, Ollie didn't have nap refusal at this age he dropped his nap completly not much past age 2!!!!

crossing my fingers here but M seems to be really sorting her sleep out.  If her mornings keep creeping on like this you will be able to move nap on to about 12.30 and leave it at that.  I might be speaking way too soon but I'd start waking her if she gets to a 7am wake up.

I think you have offically stressed over whether she is OT or UT for long enough honey.  Just keep working towards her ideal day regardless.  How old is M now she is nearly 2 right? really you should find that a fixed routine will work wonders at 2yrs old, their sleep really does seem to change at this age.

Offline lesorl

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #82 on: November 28, 2008, 19:12:55 pm »
no need to apologize- you can feel free to go off any time.  glad all is back to normal today (and praying Lily is NOT going to be like Ollie in giving up her nap too soon)!

M woke around 6:33am today (she may have been able to go b2s, but i was trying to be consistent so i got her up), nap at 12:03pm for 45 mins  >:(  then another 30 extended.  So my plan is bedtime at 6:15pm for the next few days, with nap at 12:15pm.

should i have let her sleep this morning, or should i keep her wake up time 6:30am?

she'll be 2 in january, maybe by then this will work out?

Offline NiknLily

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #83 on: November 29, 2008, 12:46:18 pm »
I think I would wake her at 6.30am, that was your ideal day wake up time wasn't it?  At least if you start there then as and when her naps extend again and bedtime moves too 7pm, things should slowly fall into place.

just out of curiosity, is 6.30 preferred wake up time? I'd be inclined to push to 7am and bedtime at 7.30, nap at 1pm, but thats just me :-) go with whatever day suits you best x

Offline lesorl

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #84 on: November 29, 2008, 18:35:41 pm »
You're right Nik- I should aim for 7:30pm bedtime, with a 7am wakeup.  I guess I was thinking she went to bed around 7pm for looong time consistently, with a 6:20am wake up.

Today she fell asleep at 12:10pm, and woke at 1:32pm.  YAY!  Of course the last few days she's been telling me she's tired at all hours of the day.

Offline NiknLily

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #85 on: November 29, 2008, 19:28:07 pm »
thats fantastic  ;D (anti jinx dance!!)

I'd aim for 7am wake up purely for the fact that if she happens to have a bad night and wakes up 1hr early one morning it'll still only be 6am, not 5.30am  ;)

Offline lesorl

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #86 on: November 30, 2008, 00:56:24 am »
Just when I think things *may* turn around...

she didn't fall asleep tonight until after 7pm!  she was in bed at 6:10pm!

i'm bracing myself for an early morning-

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #87 on: November 30, 2008, 13:27:33 pm »
dodged a bullet this morning- stirred at 5:57am, but slept til 6:42am.  Yay...

Offline NiknLily

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #88 on: November 30, 2008, 13:29:43 pm »
fantastic :-)

Offline lesorl

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Re: How can I get her on a routine, without risking OT?
« Reply #89 on: November 30, 2008, 18:36:45 pm »
She napped for 38 mins.  Boo  :'(  This is why we never get ahead... I need an earlier bedtime tonight, and we probably won't be able to accommodate that.

And we're headed out today for more OS. 

I give up!