Ok, so we have this new issue now. I posted a thread about it but figured I'd ask you ladies too.
I have no idea what is going on. J still wakes up at the same time, 6:15 give or take, but by 10:30 she's a whining, crying, fit throwing, meltdown mess and wants to go to bed. Both yesterday and today I've had to leave playgroups b/c she seriously cried the entire 45 minutes we were there. We came home, no lunch, right up to bed and she slept from 11-12:30 both days. She's now up and we have the entire afternoon to deal with. I have no idea why she's melting down so early and can't stay up till 12 like she use to. I don't know if I should try for a 2nd nap (which I doubt will work) or just go with a 6/6:15 bedtime. Has any of your lo's gone thru this? It's soooo weird!