I have an DD who is 12.5 mos old and she is AGAIN waking with the roosters at 5:30am. The last 2 mornings I have brought her into bed with me and my hubby and she goes right back to sleep for another 40-60 min. I don't want this to become a habit, but I simply do not have the energy to work on the EW anymore. She has cycled back to EW on and off since she was 6 months old. 6+ months of waking at the crack of dawn has really taken its toll on me.
In the past taking her into bed with us did NOT work because she was just done sleeping 5:30p-4:30a (11 hrs). We had given her a very early bedtime on the days where only one nap was happening. Some of those days she would sleep 13 hrs, but then it changed to 11 hrs at night. So now I know when I take her into our bed and she falls asleep she was not done with her night's sleep yet.
At first with the 3-2 nap switch we got EW of 4:30AM! Once down to 2 naps she slept in again. However, around 8 months - very early - she started to show signs of the 2-1 nap switch. It took 3 months to get her down to one nap - at 11 mos. So from 8-11 mos we had early wakings on and off (anywhere from 4:15am - 5:30am), early bedtimes with one nap, later bedtime with 2 naps, and so on. Things we allllllllllll over the place.
Finally, the last month has been great:
6:30am-ish wake up
12:30-2:30pm - nap
7:30pm - bedtime
Then about a week ago, we had an EW. I thought it was a fluke because for the next 4 or 5 days she went back to waking around 6:30am. Then the last 2 mornings it has happened again. I have no idea why. She has room darkening shades and white noise in her room. She is not waking due to hunger.
This morning she was not really even fussing, but I took her into bed with me anyways, because if she does not go back to sleep, the days are ugly, then an ugly night, and around and around we go. If she does it again tomorrow am, I will try to stay in her room instead and pursue this route. If she gets worked up she'll never go back to sleep, and I am in no mood for an ugly day after and EW - iykwim!
BUT WHY again? Everytime we get on a good routine, it lasts a couple of weeks, and BAM, back to the EW.
Any advice?