well we had wake-up at 6am today so I think we're back on track. I am still having difficulty getting him to catnap.. he was tied again at 10am I tried for a catnap in the pram but it didn't work. It was difficult to keep him awake till 11am.. I could only do 10:45am. Anyway, that's a minor issue, compared to NW and short naps and sick baby.. poor Lyle! SherryLyn, I hope you are able to get some respite from the NW it's so hard when they are sick why do the good sleep patterns fall apart when they are sick.. surely they should sleep heavier and longer? ((hugs))
Natasha: thanks for that tip, hmm we are routinely doing 5 hours and then 6 hours A time, I can see the 6 hours if too long he IS tired after 5 ..and wants to be in bed at 6:00pm. I don't want to put him to bed too at that time as he only sleeps 11 hours though the night, and I can't risk 5am wake-ups again. So we are in a dillema in that respect. I usually put him in his cot at 4 or 5pm with heaps of dummies and close the door for 15-20mins mins to let him chill out. It seems to help.
Jean: Thanks again, yeah I second that on being hard to keep them awake that last bit. We're going to see Santa in the city tomorrow morning at 9:30am so we'll see how that goes. It's a 20 min car ride home, that might be the hard part.