As for boosting your supply, this is copied from another thread:
If you are sure that you do have a supply issue, there's lots you can do.
Firstly it's important that you don't supplement - breast feeding works by supply and demand and if you reduce the demand by supplementing, you'll in turn further damage the supply.
"The best way to increase your supply is to nurse. Your lo is the most efficient tool to stimulate your milk supply so nurse as often and for as long as lo will allow. Swithc nursing is beneficial - basically you start on side one until lo comes off on her own. Then you offer side two. When she's done with that side, you offer her side one again and so on and so forth. You can do this as often as your lo will continue. This will produce a further let down and send those all important milk making messages to your brain.
Skin to skin contact is great. It makes your body produce oxytocin - one of the primary milk making hormones. Take a nice long bath with lo, strip off and snuggle in bed or naked play if your house is warm enough.
There are herbal supplements you can take - fenugreek, blessed thistle (also known as holy thistle), and Mother's Milk Tea.
Oatmeal is something you can eat that helps.
Wheat beer or wheat yeast.
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, eating enough (of the right foods too - protein, fruit and veg, healthy fats etc), and getting plenty of rest.
Pumping after the feeds you are most struggling with for at least five minutes - even if you don't see any milk, this will be sending those all important signals."
If you really do need to supplement, it's really worth looking into an SNS (supplemental nursing system). If you google it, it'll give you a much better description and also point you in the right direction as to where to buy one. Basically it's a tube that you insert into the corner of your lo's mouth once he has emptied the breast. The tube connects to a container with formula or EBM in. It's superior to supplementing with a bottle as it stimulates your own supply, and doesn't lead to bottle confusion/flow frustration. I highly recommend investing in one of these should you really need to supplement as bottles really do confuse many babies and have been responsible for ending many nursing relationships.
As for the EAES, this isn't recommended because it doesn't teach independent sleep. I recommend you pop over to the Sleep board for advice on how to get your lo to sleep independently