Is it 'normal' for my almost 20 month old to want to go back to 2 naps??? We've been having some horrible meltdown tired issues around 10:30am and she wants to go 'nigh-nigh'.
J's been on one nap for about 4 months now and it's always been around 11:45-12. She's an early riser, so noon is the latest she was making it. She use to do fine. No melt downs or anything. The past few days, I'm having to leave playgroups, classes and such b/c she's horribly fussy and crying and screaming and wants to go to bed at 10:30am?!?! The problem is that she still only naps 1.5 hours. So, she's been going down at 11 and up at 12:30. There's no way she can, calmly, make it till 7pm, her bedtime. Do I try for a 2nd nap again or do I do early bedtime like 6pm??
I just don't understand why she's wanting to go to nap so soon now?