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Offline TJ & Stephy's Mommy

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Not sure what to do...where do I begin???
« on: December 03, 2008, 06:40:07 am »
Let me first say that I haven't been completely following BW with my DD.  She was a colic & AR baby from birth to 3 months; AR lasted 6 months and is possibly lactose sensitive.  Since the beginning I've been on a (IMO) a modified BW routine.

Lately (I think for the last 2 weeks), DD has been waking up around 11:30pm if not at this time then it is at 1am.  Each time DD wakes up, I've been feeding her 6oz of formula.  She may drink the entire 6oz or sometimes only 4oz.  So I don't know if she is going thru a growth spurt. 

I was awhile ago weaning her from her DFs, then DH and I decided to just go cold turkey and wean her completely from the DFs instead of the gradual process as stated in BWSAYP.  DD did ok without the DFs and started sleeping thru the night.  Then we got sick....that messed us up.  Her nights and days got mixed up.  And since I started to give her formula again each time she wakes up, I'm not sure if I should start to wean her off the formula.

Also, if DD wakes up at 1am, she sometimes stays up til 3am even though I gave her a bottle.  She will babble or play in her crib.

And more recently, she has started to wake up crying almost 30 minutes after I have put her down for bed at night.  It's almost habitual but not quite.  She never did that before only when she was colicky.

So where do I begin to help DD get back to sleeping thru the night?

I'm sorry if this post is all over the place.  I'm just so lost on what I should do first with all these problems.

Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: Not sure what to do...where do I begin???
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2008, 13:24:54 pm »
hi there,

can you post an indication of the routine you've been following, along with how much formula she gets during the day? and do you know her personality type?
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)

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Re: Not sure what to do...where do I begin???
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 06:30:21 am »
Sorry for the very late reply.  The holidays and family visits has kept me off of the computer.

Anyways, to answer your questions:
can you post an indication of the routine you've been following, along with how much formula she gets during the day? and do you know her personality type?

Our routine is almost like this:
8am - formula (5-7oz) - this past week we switched to whole milk (aka homogenized (sp??) milk)
830am - breakfast
11am - nap
12:15pm wake up from nap to pick up brother from preschool
1pm - lunch (she use to take a bottle at this time but now DD prefers lunch over milk)
2:30 pm - nap
4pm - wake up from nap and gets a bottle of milk (5-7oz)
5:30/6pm - dinner
730pm - bath and then milk (5-7oz)
8pm - bedtime
11:30pm - 2am - bottle of milk (I have varied the sizes between 4-7oz and DD will finish the entire bottle)

On a good day, DD can drink upto 21oz of milk during the day.  She has never been consistant with her milk...probably due to her AR and then the introduction of solids/table foods.  Personally, I think DD should be full and not need a bottle in the middle of the night but she doesn't refuse it and can drink the entire bottle.  I guess she's just a very hungry baby ???

DD is a mix of angel/textbook/spirited personality.  She is very active and cannot be still for a second.  She WAS an angel when it came to sleep.  She use to just rollover and goto sleep when you put her in her crib.  If she wasn't tired or ready for bed, she'd cry and want out of her crib, but if she was tired and ready for bed DD would go right to sleep without a fight.  When she wakes up from her sleep and if DD has slept enough, she will quietly play in her crib and hardly make any noise.  She'd cry only when she was ready to get out of her crib.  As I wrote in my earlier post, she has been fighting bedtime sleep and now has started to fight her naps. 

For the last month, DD has been fighting to go to sleep.  She has started to cry almost right away when you put her down in her crib and will start to whine/cry when she feels you putting her down in her crib (but she's almost 75% asleep).  Then she will standup in her crib continue whining/crying/screaming until you pick her up again..  It's almost like DD has separation anxiety.  I have tried holding her to sleep and she is completely asleep but will wake up when you put her down in the crib.

Is this just another phase and it will just solve itself?  She was cutting 4 upper teeths at the same time but the sleep problems started before the teeth were coming out.

Sorry for the long post.  Any ideas on what I should do?

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Re: Not sure what to do...where do I begin???
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2009, 18:55:13 pm »
Jess is traveling for the holidays until the 5th so I will see if I can help a little maybe!

How old is she exactly? Are the teeth in now?

Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Re: Not sure what to do...where do I begin???
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2009, 05:15:30 am »
DD just turned 1 years old in December. 

Yes I believe the teeths in question are in now.

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Re: Not sure what to do...where do I begin???
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2009, 00:13:27 am »
Ok then I am going to move this to Toddler Sleep since she is over 1. :)

I remember when Colin was about 13 mo he went through a separation anxiety phase, and that's normal for that age. Also, do you think she could be moving toward the transition from 2 to 1 nap?
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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