Please help?

My 2 year old just won't stay in bed. Every night I put him to bed and he happily goes. We read a book and I say good night. I leave the room and it then starts. He just gets up out of bed. I've tried everything. I've done wi/wo, controlled crying, taking his sleep bunny away I even got to the stage of giving him a smack last night as I was just desperate. It's awful and I just dread bed time. He thinks it's hilarious, even when I don't speak to him and just pick him up and put him back into bed. I have a 3 year old too and have tried putting them in the same room, putting them to bed at the same time. Nothing has worked. Well, the only thing that does is if I stay in the room and hold his hand. It's been going on for about 4 months and although I had a break of about 2 weeks when he was ok (nothing changed in his routine or life during that time) it just went back to normal. It makes no difference if I don't let him sleep during to day,or if I vary the amount of sleep he has.
The thing is, it's destroying me. I spend my whole evening either really cross or just moody because ultimately most nights he cries himself to sleep because I've done something horrible to him in order to get him to stay in bed.
He's lovely during the day and everyone adores him because he's such a happy easy child. He is a bit slow with his teeth and only has the four top, four bottom and four molars but apart from that is a normal child.
Can anyone offer any advice? I'm willing to listen or try anything!