Like I say, I'm having to suppliment at bed time because my daughter is being rather silly.
All through the day (and night) she feeds for 5/10 minutes and is happy on on. Then come bed time (7pmish) she feeds for 5/10 minutes off both breasts and still fusses and crys and then has another 5oz from a bottle! She has formula for her DF at 11pm too, normally 4/5oz.
Anyway, I cant express, well, I can but only WHEN I feed her, obviously I cant extend my feeding by exressing as I have to burp/change and entertain her and I need her to stimuate let down. I was expressing for her DF when she was 4-7 weeks but gave up as is was physically draining and ruining our bonding time. I was starting to dreed feeding and she was uncomfortable having to share with the pump.
So, is there another way to increase mt milk for the bed time feed?
I obviously don't want her hungry, and she wont go to sleep if she is, so I don't HATE FF her for half the feed, but I would rather not.
Any advise appreciated.