Lily will be 27m old and for last couple of weeks has started messing about sleep wise. She has always been a really good sleeper, other than at transitions in routine. She used to do a 12hr night and 1.5hr nap for the longest time. Then she started waking earlier, not loads but noticeable iykwim and taking a while to get to sleep at nap and bedtime, just chatting to herself. This isn't usual for Lily she has always gone to sleep within 5mins of going to bed/nap. So I extended morning A time 30mins and moved bedtime 30min later and things where OK until she started preschool in september. This meant no nap 2 days a week so I changed routine back to previous one shifting back those 30min increases coupled with early nights by 1hr on school days to compensate for OT, this worked really well. Until couple of weeks ago when she skipped her nap on the monday, then had school on the tuesday and skipped her nap on the wednesday. Thursday I kept her home from school and she did nap, I did some early nights and so I thought we had sorted out the little blip, she certainly wasn't OT anymore.
But, since she has been taking 30mins + to get to sleep for nap, just chatting away to herself (winding mummy up

) then has taken as long to settle at night has had some nw's, not really long ones although she has had 1 1.5hr nw, mainly they have just been pesky nws and she might wake every 45mins for 2.25hrs at some point in the night and has started to wake a little early again, only 15/20mins but you could use her as an alarm set to 7am for most of her life.
We are still waiting on top 2 2yr molars but they haven't even bumped up yet, there is no sign of teeth coming, to be sure though I have given meds 30mins before nap and bedtime and it makes no difference.
So I figured maybe she just needed longer A times again now she has got used to missing her naps on school days and she is 3m older. So I upped her morning A time by 15min and bedtime by 15min for 3/4days and she was still chatting and not settling to sleep like she usually does for another 15+mins, so I upped by another 15mins. So far though it doesn't seem to have had the desired effect, today she skipped her nap again so was in bed by 6.30 asleep by 6.45pm, last night the later bedtime meant after she had talked to herself and called me upstairs too many times it was almost 8pm before she fell asleep.
I am going to try moving back that last 15mins, I'm thinking maybe pushing to 30min jump was too much BUT I'm also thinking is this it? is she starting to drop her nap, is the general restless nights because although she still takes a nap 5days a week maybe thats too much sleep for her.
I know she still needs a nap as when she skipped for 3days she did a 2hr nw, which she would normally only do when teething, but like I say I see no sign of teeth yet, at all.
Old routine on non school days was
wake up 7am
nap at 12.30pm
bedtime 7pm
routine I had moved to on non school days was
wake 6.45/7am
nap 1pm - 2/2.15pm
bed 7.30pm
Any thoughts on what might be going on would be much appreciated and if it is dropping her nap much needed advise on dealing with it