ok, so i've come here to affirm that there is NO such thing as the terrible two's.
nope- now that i am crossing that bridge into 'no more nap land', my daughter is a terror and i'm already longing for that daytime nap that seemingly just isn't happening anymore. she'll still do rest time, but the times are getting shorter before she's kicking the walls and screaming to come out----when she does fall asleep, i have to wake her 1/2hr later, as it's usually too late in the day.
we aren't having ew'ings or nw'ings....so we aren't on that ot train yet. but she is driving me crazy!!
some days, she's bananas before 5pm and i think we are never going to make it to bed time. i know she's tired, but that's exactly when i have to start pulling out the time outs or just simply, taking toys away that she doesn't seem to be capable of playing with, without clobbering her brother!!
yep, so i'm thinking there really is no such thing as the 'terrible two's'....it's just a VERY unbalanced time of sleep they need and sleep they don't. yep, i guess it's super unfair to me, but really the most unfair to her! today has by far been the worst---and this week we've only had 1 successful 1/2hr of sleep of 7 attempts.
i'm thinking i could wake her in the morning...but she really isn't over compensating her night. both my kids were slightly under the required sleep-needs for age, so i'm hoping her body will just make up its mind and do it.
in the mean time---- LORD give me the patience and strength to GET THRU IT!!!
there , that feels better......