I think you're in experimental territory now. You can try that, but it may backfire.
Did your DD ever nap long? If she did, then I think she's just slowly eliminating the nap, sad to say. She could keep that hour long nap for another year or more! But, it could be that she's just needing less and less sleep during the day. She's nearly 2, and I don't think an hour is bad at this age. The 'official' BW guide says that a 2 year old takes one nap of 1.5 hours and has an 11.5 hour night. You're getting 12 hour nights and 1 hour naps. I'm really not sure you can swap nights for naps -- each child sort of has a built in preference for one or the other. For instance, when a child gets OT they often either lose naps OR nights (sometimes both, but more rarely). My son always loses night sleep when OT. He loves his day sleep. Maybe your DD has shown a pattern? Does she usually lose naps when OT, but keep her nice long nights? That may just be who she is.
If you want to play around, trying to swap night for day you can absolutely try. But don't make yourself crazy doing it, because it may just not be something she can do, given her body clock.
Don't mean to be a downer! But I actually think your child is doing great on sleep! Also, you may find over the next year that her nap lengthens on its own. My son's definitely did -- he was a solid 2 hour napper from about 17 months until about 30 months. Then at 30 months he started sleeping closer to 2.5 hours several times a week. I don't know if its more activity, developmental, or what. but he just needed more sleep, and now we've had to reduce A time because of it. So, you might just sit back, enjoy where she is now, and hope that over the next year as she grows and changes she may start napping a bit more to make up for all the activity and exciting new things that 2 year olds can do.