Ok, sooooooooo dd is 23 months now
OMg that just took my breath away!!!
Routine has been this for a while
wake 7am
nap 12-1:30
Bed 7pm
She has been poorly granted..... nasty cough and cold, but when she was poorly she slept BETTER as she needed it, so good naps and night sleep etc
Now she doesnt want her nap as much, and really battles it, sometimes she is ok, but a lot of the time she isnt. When she does sleep she sleeps for an hr and wakes SCREAMING
At night, she goes to bed, and HOWLS unless we leave the landing light on, she is petrified of the dark, thats cool, I never liked it as a child either, but she flipped around/cried/chatted until 8pm, and then woke again at 8:30, and screamed, this will prob happen again, she generally settles after 10pm. She is awake AGAIN now, I can hear her cooing. When I went up earlier, she was trying to choke herself with the dummy shoving it backward down her throat
Im tired, shes tired, and why o why does she settle FINE from 10pm onward
Only thing I can think of is that she has always been MPI and we have introduced hidden dairy and cheese and yoghurts, but not whole milk. Her bowel movements have been fine, no rashes no nothing, so am reluctant to blame it, as the sleep is poor but sometimes just cooing not screaming, and other times screaming
I ignore her until the cry escalates when I go in, say its night time, and walk out, thats all I do and repeat and repeat
I know the landing light on doesnt help, as it promotes wake up time, but without it on she screams until she is nearly sick!
Is the nap stopping her from having a good nights sleep? As I said she doesnt have a long one now anyway as she wakes screaming, what is with that? In my book it usually means OT
Ugh, this is so muddled, just want to sort it, as dont often have problems with her sleep, shes just a proper madam in the day
Thanks anyone who can look over this with a fresh pair of eyes and see where Im going wrong. ta xxxx