Hello, my lo turned 9 months yesterday. He has just had four teeth come through and they were veyr hard for him so nights and naps were terrible, but he is better now and getting bavk on track. He has always gone to be netween 6-6.30pm, works easier for me with my toddler, although would like ton try and extend it....
Anyway he goes to bed between 6-6.30pm and sleeps through no wakings but wakes up normally at 5am, and i can leave him most of the time for 30 mins he plays but then cries for attention. I have tried pu/pd and it doesnt work. But sometimes he wakes at 4.30 crying and even then will not go down again, i keep trying for an hour and no luck.
So his first nap of the day is normally always 8.30am and he sleeps for an hour, wakes up happy. His next nap is nromally between 12.30 and 1pm but he only does 30 mins and wakes crying. His new tings for the last month is standing so as soon as he wakes up he stands up and even with pu/pd nothing works he wont go back to sleep. He has also dropped a catnap. His pm is fine but then about 5pm he is very tired and so i have to bath him etc and sometimes he is ready to sleep before 6pm and hence the early waking again.
Shall i try to extend the A time before his second nap? Although he goes down easliy for both the naps so he seems to be ready to sleep???....
ANy advice would be really appreciated.... i really want to extend his day just by half an hour so he wakes later but cant seem to manage it.....
Thank you