Author Topic: too many changes affecting sleep?  (Read 673 times)

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too many changes affecting sleep?
« on: December 14, 2008, 19:49:23 pm »
It's probably been over a year since i've posted as BW worked soo well for us for so long. But now i'm back after 3 weeks of early wakings that are killing me. This was her routine before all of this

7:30-8 wakeup milk breakfast
10am snack
12pm lunch
1-3pm nap
3-3;30 sometime snack
5pm dinner
7pm milk
8pm bedtime

now she is waking at 5:30-6:30 lastest and since i work afternoons i am only getting 5 hours of sleep and i am on meds for depression.

I know there are several changes that could be affecting her sleep
1. i went back to work to afternoons after being off on stress leave for 3 months and before this was working days
2. She is potty trained as of 2 weeks ago
3. molars are SLOWLY creeping in
4 big girl bed now and can open the door
4. now she is overtired big time

i guess the problem is that i don't know which one it is and what to do. I think that potty training had a lot to do with it as she wakes early comes in my room with her diaper off and says wet mommy and put her underwear on. She is fully trained during the day but clearly not a night.

i was trying to stick to clock times but that is not working so today i put her down at 12pm and she went right to sleep (usually was playing for over an hour before sleeping). The problem here is that nap time at daycare is 1pm..

naptime and bedtime she is playing forever coming in and out of her room and it can take anywere from 1+ hours to get her to sleep.

I hope this is a phase that will end soon as my doctor has suggested that i go back on stress leave as she can clearly see that i am exhausted and crying all the time

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Re: too many changes affecting sleep?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 21:56:22 pm »
Oh Darlene, how awful!

All the stuff that you listed really is a lot of change, and your DD is most likely sensing your stress and sadness and exhaustion. I personally would just do whatever you need to do to comfort and reassure her, and GET SLEEP! If that means taking more leave then so be it.  :-*
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o