Author Topic: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question  (Read 776 times)

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Offline dannabanana

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doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« on: December 16, 2008, 08:38:53 am »
hi girls,

I started introducing solids to my LO when he was about 4.5months due to reflux. surprisingly it was excellent, but i still of course kept BFing him. he's now 8months old, and i just found out i'm pregnant yet again. I know it is possible to BF while being pregnant, but my LO is crazy active and kicks my belly all the time while eating, and it's taking too much of my energy right now (plus waking up a few times at night from teething, and being a lousy napper). So i've decided to slowly cut down on BFing. first i started with the night feeds, which were really not needed anymore because he eats heaps during the day both BFing and solids. now i'm dropping another feeding. does anyone have any advice for me on the matter? 
Also, it seems lately as if he's refusing some things that i offer. he used to eat EVERYTHING!! now he's becoming picky, and i'm not sure where it's coming from. one day he'll have something, and 2 days later he'll refuse that same thing. should i keep running around like crazy trying to find something for him to eat, or should i just explain that thats what is being served today, and its either that or nothing???

thanks ladies!!

Offline hattie

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Re: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2008, 08:58:43 am »
I'm sorry but I can't give any advice about the BFing but I can tell you about solids that it is totally normal that LOs start to refuse foods and have "opinions" about what they are putting in their mouths once they start to get the hang of the eating thing,  There are loads of reasons why they might not want to eat at any given moment, it could be discomfort in the mouth from teething causing it, or it could be mood or they might not be hungry! The important thing is that you don't show any displeasure that LO isn't eating which he might pick up on and that you just carry on as if nothing was, praising when they eat but not making a big deal when they don't if you know what I mean.  Some days my DS1 doesn't want to try anything new, other days he surprises me, I try not to let him know when I feel disappointed that he has totally refused a meal I just spent half an hour preparing!!!!!!  ::) I also re offer new foods at least 3 or four times over the course of a couple of weeks and leave new foods on his tray for him to mess with for at least 15 mins before deciding that he doesn't like something.  Usually when my back is turned he gets brave and tries whatever it is and I turn around see him stuffing his face with carrots (he refused these for months).
HTH a bit!
[img width= height=][/img][img width= height= alt=baby" border="0][/img][/url]

Offline dannabanana

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Re: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 10:27:21 am »
thanks for the quick reply!! so you only offer what's there and nothing else?and if he doesnt eat it he'd get hungry soon after, no? what do you do then??  or do you offer a few things during each meal just in case one is not liked?

Offline hattie

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Re: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 10:53:40 am »
in the early months I would usually have a puree which I would spoon feed and then something he could feed himself on the tray - a couple of boiled broccoli florets, a couple of pieces of chedder.  I then always offered fruit - banana (refused that for ages now loves it) or a peach and a yoghurt. If he refused anything I wouldn't offer anything else but if he liked something I always let him have more of whatever it was until he had enough.  Meals at that stage took a good 45 mins though.  some days he would wolf down the puree and it would make me so happy, then the next day he'd refuse exactly the same thing!  If he ate nothing at lunch then I might offer an extra milk feed just before the next nap that day - I formula fed.  EASY was already well established and I never found it caused confusion in the routine.
When hungry they do eat, have faith, re-offer on consecutive days.  I found it really freeing to just let go of any emotions I might have towards their eating and let him lead the way.  I hated being forced to eat as a child and that is why I chose not to make it an issue with my kids.  DS1 is now very happy to eat anything and everything (that he chooses) and has been eating more or less the same food as me and DH for well over 6 months. 
[img width= height=][/img][img width= height= alt=baby" border="0][/img][/url]

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Re: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2008, 11:15:50 am »
Just popped in to offer hugs and lurk a little ;)

This is so helpful!  We're weaning soon, hence the lurking...


Offline dannabanana

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Re: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 11:16:19 am »
wow, thats great! thank for all the info. i feel much better now. i thought he was refusing the solids that were just not sweet at first (though he used to prefer the veggies over fruits before) or maybe that he's revolting because i'm cutting down on BFing... who knows.
It's good to know that i shouldnt show disappointment. i kind of did. i feel bad now   :\  but no more from now on.
Thanks again!!!

Offline hattie

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Re: doing it the "unconventional" way plus a question
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2008, 11:41:31 am »
Oh god, don't feel bad! I feel disappointed too! It's just worth not letting them see it or it can influence the way they react to the food IYKWIM. I bet he will take to sweet and savoury things just his own time LOL  ::)
[img width= height=][/img][img width= height= alt=baby" border="0][/img][/url]