Hi, hope everyone has had a good Christmas. Things haven't improved much, i have given up on WI/WO it didn't seem to be helping the situation, if anything fueling my little guys anxiety as well as keeping everyone in the house awake! i think the situation peaked when i was only averaging about 2hours sleep a night and he was again awake for about 4hours int eh night getting hysterical. Before he was settling fine and was just waking during hte night, but now he isn't settling for naps or bedtimes without me being there. So I have been doing GW the last few nights, although been looking on the board to make sure I'm doing it as its something i have never used before. So would be useful if people could just check I'm doing it right as i don't want to end up doing any AP.
The first night i had to sit on his bed, but the 2nd he didn't seem that bothered about me being that close so i lay on the floor by the side of the bed. I'm still doing this about 3 nights on. His room isn't really that big and i can see it pretty much having to be, lying on bed ( which we have seemed to have got past)- lying on floor next to bed (where we are at) - lying in door way - out on the landing. Is this enough steps? he isn't really crying with me in there, i had gotten up too quickly the one night and he got out of bed after me. However, it doesn't seem to be working at well during the night if he wakes. He is quiet and stays in bed if i am lying on the floor but he is still taking an age to get back to sleep, up to 3 or 4 hours, am i meant to stay on the floor for all this time?? or is this a sign its not working?? But if i go out he just cries and comes after me, should it be takign this long for him to get back to sleep?
i was wondering if there was something about his day that is meaning he is awake for this length of time in the night. He use to sleep for approx 12hours. His ( normal) routine is
awake - 7-7.30am
brekkie - 8am
lunch - 12-12.30pm
nap - approx 1pm for 1.5hours sometimes 2hrs ( try not to let him sleep any later than 3pm
5-5.30pm - tea
6.30 - 7.30pm - bath, books, milk, night garden - BED!
His routine has pretty much been like this since he dropped his second nap when he was about 15months old. But it has all gone metal the last two months after he had a series of illnesses ( cold - tummy bug - ear infection) and also moved to his BBB ( because he was trying to climb out and standing up screaming)which is the reason i think this transformation into the anti sleep boy has happened!
Any help is much welcome, i am trying to be consistent, be its just so hard.