Hi There
Just wanted to say we've been having the same issues here, and it's also really been stressing me out, as we have no start to the day at the mo! My LO has also cut a tooth recently and is still getting over a cough/cold which has made him feel really whiney (not his temperament at all!). I am hoping the combination of teething and illness is to blame, but am not sure?! We are still only on 2 small solid meals here, which are not at fixed times as such, as I always try to offer them after a milk feed (which like you, has not even happenend for a few hours into the day!). When I spoke to my HV about his lack of appetite/cues/wet nappies she told me to still offer the solids, and to give him what he fancies, but having been worried about my supply, I didn't! While this is going on I am also taking Fenugreek to try to keep my supply up.
I hope this will pass for us both asap, and our LO's start eating like crazy!!!