The past few nights my DS has woken in the night for feeds. (He's always been a chronic NWer, but these few are the first times he's seemed hungry). When offered a bottle about 3am, he has taken 6+ ounces, so I do think he was hungry. But, I am not sure if he was just awake from OT and the food settled him, or if he was truly hungry, if you know how I mean that. Anyway, by feeding him in the night, it's put him off of his day food. He only takes 3ish oz at his 630 feed, which isn't surprising if he had 6ish at 3am. But, come his 1030 feed, he's still only at 5oz, his afternoon feed is about the same, and about 4oz by bedtime. His dreamfeed has dropped as well.
Is this all due to the extra feed at night? Or, at this age should I be dropping his bottles to more of a "3 meals a day" type thing -- one when he wakes, one at noon, an early dinner and a bedtime top-up? Or do you always stick to bottles every four hours until your LO is on solids?