Author Topic: How long to shush & pat?  (Read 2203 times)

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Re: How long to shush & pat?
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2009, 04:24:30 am »
I do think you're on the right track.  :)  Sleep training is hard work with some babies, but it does pay off.  As long as you're not leaving your arm on her for the whole nap, and work on 'helping' less and less over time, she'll figure it out.  Maybe try 60 minutes A time including the wind-down and see how that works.
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: How long to shush & pat?
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2009, 01:50:11 am »
Hi again
I have been working on extending the naps and had several successes BUT!
I am starting to have feeding issues and it looks like she has reflux.  Not very severe at the moment so I am feeding her in a front carrier and going with 45min naps.  i have extended the feeding time to 3.5hr to see if she would take any thing but she only takes 1-2oz and it takes her more than 30min to take anything so I think trying to extend the nap is out the window for now. 

I have not put her on any meds yet cos we thought we should try gripe water and homeopathic colic meds before putting her on Ranitidine.
I read that your LO also had reflux so any words of encouragements and advice would be greatly appreciated.
DD1 had reflux but not for long so I really dread going through this with DD2...
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Offline marensmama

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Re: How long to shush & pat?
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2009, 05:25:28 am »
Ah, well yes, reflux will make life more difficult when it comes to naps and sleeping in general!  My DD2 had/has reflux and it was a rough go for us.  I'm sorry to hear that your LO has been suffering with it as well.  The best advice I can give you is to do the best you can with setting the LO up for independent sleep, but beyond that, suspend sleep training until her reflux is controlled.  If she is in any discomfort at all, it's not fair to her and it will likely frustrate you.  Your priority right now is to ensure that she is as comfortable as she can be.  Any bad habits that are made now to help you both cope can be broken easily enough later.

My LO is still on meds for reflux, ranitidine did not work well for us although it was all that our Paed at the time would prescribe.  Hayden was on it until she was 11 months, and because her reflux wasn't well controlled, she had a gross motor developmental delay, had a terrible time with solids, and never STTN.  Now that we are on Prevacid, she is a completely different babe and has caught up in every way.  I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be afraid of meds, they can make all the difference in the world.  The most important thing is that your LO is pain-free and happy and able to grow and develop without being hindered by the discomfort that reflux causes.

Lastly, it will pass, she will grow out of it at some point.. hopefully that's sooner rather than later.  If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me and be sure to visit the board.  :)  {{{{{{{{Hugs!}}}}}}}}
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls