Author Topic: Bowel movements on Nutramigen - your experiences?  (Read 25702 times)

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Bowel movements on Nutramigen - your experiences?
« on: December 29, 2008, 19:06:02 pm »
Hi all

Sorry for the yuckiness of this topic, seem to be apologizing for starting some yucky topics like this in the past, too!!  ;D

Anyone care to "describe" what your LO's poop situation was on Nutramigen?

We are now about 2-3 weeks on full Nutramigen (took us 3 weeks of mixing with soy to get DS to drink it) and I don't know if his bowel movements are normal for Nutramigen or if this is a sign that he needs to move up to an elemental formula. 

The tin does say "frequent, loose, green stool" - but exactly HOW frequent, HOW loose and HOW green do you think is normal?   We are having 3 - 4 dark green water poops a day.  There is never anything firmer than (hmmmm pausing to think how to describe this....?) cake batter (?), condensed milk (?), ketchup (?)  ???   And, it all stinks to high heaven - as in, we have to open the back and front windows of the house to let the breeze through for a few minutes to get rid of the smell.  It's nasty nasty nasty.

One day last week I had the unfortunate experience of being mid-change when he decided he hadn't finished pooping  :o and I got to watch it all come out.  (Please, dear Lord above, do not let this happen to me again...) It was frothy and foamy - but I hadn't ever noticed this before or since so it may have been a one-off.

He is also waking 3 or 4 nights a week with tummy cramps that seem to bother him for about an hour before he finally poops - once he's done he settles as soon as he's been changed.

Does this all seem normal?  I really really really do not want to have to put him on an elemental formula and am not sure if this is a sign that the Nutramigen isn't broken down enough for him or if it's all normal.

Thanks for reading my yucky post - and thanks even more if you can tell me what you experienced.

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Re: Bowel movements on Nutramigen - your experiences?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 01:37:06 am »
It is okay to talk poop here!  Trust me, we have all done it and I have even posted pictures :-0

So here is my experience:  With Nutramigen, poops were normal, fluffy like, did not smell that bad. 

With Neocate though, OMG, OMG, it was the worse EVER.  He got SO constipated and once he finally did poop, Holy you know what, it stunk like I have never in my life smelled before.

He then went to Elecare (which is also Amino acid formula) and his poops were JUST like you are describing now.  It was all water, liquid, and wooo stinky!!

So to me it sounds like his body is just getting used to the formula.  With Nutramigen their digestive system has to do little work to digest it.  With Neocate, they bascially have to do no work to digest it. 

BUT, the waking up with stomach aches would really bother me.

Please forgive me, but why did you take him off Soy?  How was he doing on soy formula?  What was his poop like?

Another though is, could be that he was okay with Soy, but still reacted, and the Nutramigen still does have milk protein in it and maybe he just cannot handle ANY milk, not even broken down.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: Bowel movements on Nutramigen - your experiences?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2009, 15:37:04 pm »
I knows this is an old post but I'm having a problem on Nutramigen AA right now.  My lo started drinking it 2 months ago when he was 9 months old.  It seemed to make his poop very thick and he just couldn't poop it out by himself.  We had to use leg exercises, stomach massages, and some rectal stimulation with a q tip (not fun at all) to help him go.  Then his gast. int. dr. put him on Miralax to soften the poop and hopefully help him poop by himself.  Well, the Miralax gives him incredible gas and stomach pains.  We are really at a loss of what to do.  Could he be allergic to Miralax?  Maybe something in Nut. AA that took a while for him to react to?  Any advice or suggestions would be very appreciated.  We are getting very sleep deprived around here and don't know what to do!  Thanks!

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Re: Bowel movements on Nutramigen - your experiences?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 16:37:04 pm »
Hi all

Sorry for the yuckiness of this topic, seem to be apologizing for starting some yucky topics like this in the past, too!!  ;D

Anyone care to "describe" what your LO's poop situation was on Nutramigen?

We are now about 2-3 weeks on full Nutramigen (took us 3 weeks of mixing with soy to get DS to drink it) and I don't know if his bowel movements are normal for Nutramigen or if this is a sign that he needs to move up to an elemental formula. 

The tin does say "frequent, loose, green stool" - but exactly HOW frequent, HOW loose and HOW green do you think is normal?   We are having 3 - 4 dark green water poops a day.  There is never anything firmer than (hmmmm pausing to think how to describe this....?) cake batter (?), condensed milk (?), ketchup (?)  ???   And, it all stinks to high heaven - as in, we have to open the back and front windows of the house to let the breeze through for a few minutes to get rid of the smell.  It's nasty nasty nasty.

One day last week I had the unfortunate experience of being mid-change when he decided he hadn't finished pooping  :o and I got to watch it all come out.  (Please, dear Lord above, do not let this happen to me again...) It was frothy and foamy - but I hadn't ever noticed this before or since so it may have been a one-off.

He is also waking 3 or 4 nights a week with tummy cramps that seem to bother him for about an hour before he finally poops - once he's done he settles as soon as he's been changed.

Does this all seem normal?  I really really really do not want to have to put him on an elemental formula and am not sure if this is a sign that the Nutramigen isn't broken down enough for him or if it's all normal.

Thanks for reading my yucky post - and thanks even more if you can tell me what you experienced.

I know this is an old post but I think its helpful to know what to expect. ODS was on Nutramagin and his poop stayed as runny as BM, always had blowouts (when I got to the same street on my way to work so I dont know if it the car movement that got him going) We put towels in the carseat to protect it so we werent washing it always. That was for a while til he really started eating solids. It was PB color tho, not green. But I think the tummy pain along with the stink would be of concern to me. But the poop description sounds on target since its so broken down (like BM) it just runs right through and is runny.