Author Topic: Thoughts on when it is appropriate to start training for sleepovers  (Read 810 times)

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Former mothers have told me that one of the best things they have ever done was to train their little ones to sleep over at a close relative's place overnight. Some started when their babies were less than 1 year. Others when the babies turned 1....

When is the best time to start? What age? What can we expect once we start this... more separation anxiety?
Should we start only when they can communicate verbally to express what they are feeling?

I would like to start with my 15 month daughter but hesitating since she is seems to be going through separation anxiety.

Your thoughts and suggestions on what was the best way to go about it. I do want to be able to leave my daughter at my mom's once a month.

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Re: Thoughts on when it is appropriate to start training for sleepovers
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 09:59:21 am »
I guess it depends on how she gets on with your Mum. I left Ryan for the first time at 9 months with my Mum and Dad (granted it was at home, they stayed there) but Ryan was an angel for them and actually slept in for them which he never did at that age for me :P I also made sure my parents were consistent with my schedule so everything was kept the same for Ryan.

It is very stressful I think for us Mums to leave our kids the first time.

She may cry when you leave but so long as Mum can distract her I bet she will be fine after a few minutes.