My poor DS is totally sick and I am not sure what to do regarding nap today. Last night he was up at 9pm with a terrible chesty cough and fever. I gave him Motrin and he went down pretty easily. Then he woke again at 11:40pm. His fever had broken and I gave him a cuddle. Then at 4:45 am he woke with a super high fever, threw up all over and was shaking like a leaf. We did what we could to bring his fever down but then he wouldn't go back to sleep so we have been up since. What time should I attempt a nap today? Do I try 2?He is super sensitive to OT and on a good day can do 5.5 A before nap if he has ahd a solid 11.5 hours night sleep. His normal routine is:
6:30/7 wake
12-1:30/1:45 nap
Any ideas would be really helpful. Thanks!