I really don't know what to do about DD's eating habits, and I need some hints and suggestions. I can't get DD to self feed at all. She's fine on purees (thank goodness she's not refusing the spoon anymore, because she was doing that for a while, too). But, she refuses lumpy purees altogether. The lumpy puree refusal doesn't bother me so much because she's fine with finger foods as long as I feed them to her. But, the problem is that she won't pick up anything on her own. I don't know how to transition her from her blended foods to feeding herself. I tried to get her to hold a strip of waffle, a french fry, a piece of toast, a piece of chicken, etc. (All of these things she eats if I give them to her.) She acts like she's afraid of them, and pulls her hand away. It's weird because she finds the oddest, littlest pieces of junk off the floor and doesn't shy away from picking those things up and putting them in her mouth!! The same behavior can also be seen when she takes her bottle. She drinks from her bottle if I hold the bottle for her, but refuses to hold her bottle on her own. So transitioning to a sippy cup has been impossible, since she refuses to pick up the cup herself, too.
She does pick up cheerios on her own. (Strange). I tried to mix her cheerios with other items...peas, corn, pieces of chicken. She picks through all her cheerios and leaves the rest. What's up with that? But, if I pick up the chicken and things off her plate and put them in her mouth, she eats them.
I figure all parents go through this period with their los. All kids eventually "get it". Obviously I don't see toddlers eating purees still! But how did you all do it? Any ideas? Anyway, I'm lost and I don't know what to do. My DD is almost 1-year old, and she can't keep eating purees forever! And it would be nice if she would eat off of her own plate on her own. I don't mind helping her from time to time, but this is bordering on rediculous. Any hints and suggestions would really be helpful! She also goes to daycare, and it would be easier on all of us if she can be a bit a more independent eater...