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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2009, 15:45:36 pm »
Well we're still with you girls - despite having releived himself of a large OJ induced poop before he wetn down , he only slept 1.5 hours so awake at 12. Am just going to try putting him down now..........what a crappy time for this to start when I go back to work - like DP said we'll just have to be in bed and asleep by 10 every night......

Annoying re Abi getting woken up Paula - my poor old brothers kids were on pain of death if they ran arouund screeching and woke H up yesterday!


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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2009, 16:36:22 pm »
We had a 1.5hr nap from 11.45-1.15. Am trying for a catnap right now (it's 4.30), but no luck so far.  I think it will be a 6pm bedtime again.


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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2009, 16:47:05 pm »
Well after A woke up she played in her bed so I left her and she slept again - total 2hrs 15mins!! Thats 15mins longer than her usual best!! We went to the ILs so she's been hih as a kite, and are just getting her bath ready now as the past 2 days we've tried to add a catnap and it completely messed up bedtime. She would be in bed and then start squeaking/shouting/talking for anything up to 2 hrs!! She puts cries in the middle so I have to go into her then starts playing again! It's sooo annoying. I'm hoping the night terrors are not indicating the start of SA behaviour.
I am so with you on how annoying it is when LO gets woken up before their time, Paula.
How did the catnap go Charm and Helen?
We are going to be late for bedtime now as there was a miscommunication with DH about who was supposed to be turning on the hot water heater!! Grrrr

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2009, 16:55:43 pm »
Oh Helen, I am sorry you still got such a short nap  :( Were you able to get him down for a cat nap at all?

Charm, any luck on the cat nap?

Ok I am really tired.  I have had Abi attached to me all day  :( She is fine until I start to do something like pick up the laptop or wash the dishes, and then all hell breaks loose.


ok I said it, I know it is horrible, but I will at least get a bit of peace at work.

Abi is eating, and I am sitting at the table with her, so am getting a few minutes rest, then we are going to do an extended bath time, and hopefully early to bed for both of them.
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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2009, 16:57:45 pm »
No go with the catnap.  She was moaning for 15 mins, and when I went in for her she sprung up and was ready to get out again.  I am either not getting the 2nd sleep window right or else she just doesn't want that 2nd nap anymore  ??? ???  It's going to be 6pm bedtime for us.


Offline babymunkey

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2009, 18:31:22 pm »
Charm - that's where we were a few weeks ago - he just suddenly refused to go to bed for a second time on a day.

Thank goodness he's changed his mind on that one for now, cos we seems to be back to our old routine of 1st nap anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours, with a catnap. But of course with added today we got a normal catnap from 4 to 4.40 and he's just going to bed now (well, having a gris is techincally what he's doing right now - DP is up there putting him down) somone help us if we get another 10 hour night cos that will have us up at 04.30!  Oh no, gris over now I can hear giggling ::) ::)

I wonder what all this madness is? Paula, I'm with you - I will so eat my words in a few weeks when the novelty wears off, but 1st day at my new job tomorrow, and for those of you with knowledge of the UK and London traffic, I have to travel from Henley to Crawley, near Gatwick airport at rush hour tomorrow, round the dreaded M25. And I'm looking forward to 2 hours peace and quiet doing probably 20 mph on the M25 :P :P


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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2009, 19:31:58 pm »
Hugs Charm, hope that K sleeps well for you tonight.

Helen, after the day I have had with Abi clinging all day and Thomas just not listening and shouting and screeching at the top of his voice, that 2 hours of traffice sounds bliss  :P  Unfortunatly my drive is only about 5 mins :-\

So tonight Abi went down without even a fuss, I lay her down, she say up and I said lay down, and walked out, half expecting her to scream, but she did not :o Don't thinks she is quite asleep, can hear her moving around, but she is quiet so that is good for me.

Now all I need to do is get DS into bed and the evening is mine  ;D
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2009, 06:33:43 am »
Morning all.........well finally we managed nearly a 12 hour night - 6.30 to 6.15 - yay!

So in true form I was of course awake on the hour evey hour - not sure if it's new job nerves or was listening out for H - I heard him cry and moan at 3, but obviously settle himself which is great.

So will be off this morning in my suit and new shoes and with my new Radley handbag that DP got me for Christmas, so won't be around too much today but will check back later to see how you guys do today.


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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2009, 15:49:18 pm »
H Yay on the 12hr night and boo on the waking up every hour.  I know the feeling.  Hope your 1st day at work goes well.

Us we had an awful EW 5.30.  Moaning on and off till I went to get her at 7.  Needless to say I am in no good mood.  Naps were bust again.  I want a joooobbb!!!


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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2009, 20:57:18 pm »
Helen, that is fantastic news.  I am so happy that he slept so well for you ;D  Hope you sleep better tonight though. 

How was your first day?  How did DS do nap wise today?

We had a good night Abi woke at 6:30, but I resttled her and she went straight back to sleep until 8:00am  ;D BUT she only napped for 1 hour today  :-\ will see what tonight brings.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2009, 21:09:52 pm »
Charmie - at least she only moans when she wakes early - there's no way H will let me stay in bed - I am conscious that when he was doing good nights, we got into the habit of going to get him as soon as he was awake, and now the minute he's awake he's up and yelling for us.......but that's another post for another time.....sorry your routine is upside down too - too bad re your naps today too, hope she does an OK you think the EW was OT? OR maybe K has done a big jump in A time and needs longer in the morning before her nap?

Paula - naps weren't a total disaster, but only an hour this morning and 50 minutes this pm - collected him just before 6, and had him ready and heading for bed about 6.45, but took a bit of crying, upsy downsy and giggling and general rubbish to settle finally at 7.15, so we'll see how we're doing

Work was great - my journey was easy and everyone was nice to me which is a good start! DP and I had done such a good job of getting ready last night that by 7.30 this morning we were all up and dressed, had breakfast and sitting at the kitchen table twiddling our thumbs and feeling silly cos the CM doesn't open til 8! But it all went wrong tonight though cos our heatings busted and my iPod's blown up, so no cosy house, no hot water in the am and no white noise in case of NW disasters! Eeek!

Off to bed to get warm! Hope all have a good night.......

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2009, 21:12:54 pm »
I am pleased that naps were ok hun. That sucks about the heating.  I hope you are able to wrap up warm, it is going to be cold tonight hun.  Huge hugs hun :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2009, 21:38:33 pm »
huge hugs hun :-*

happy first bday harrison ;D ;D ;D i have his little prezzie ready to post but will have to get your address, send it to my hotmail if you get a chance please ;) must catch up for a playdate again soon.

i swear something is going on with the planets or something as sounds like everyones LOs are doing crazy things! just got back from hols for a week in wales so routine was out the window for us anyway, cabin fever this week staying to try and get back to normal! and hunter and i are sick again grrrrrr.

glad first day at work was fab.

now down to your napping dramas. i found once hunter got onto a solid one nap routine, on the days he does a catnap (only works in the car ::)) he does less night sleep, even just a 15/20min nap seems to rob an hour of night sleep. so bit of a catch 22 in that some days he has to have a catnap to make it to bedtime but we know that he will also wake earlier in the morning. sticking to the 'first nap not before 11am' rule still works here tho, so even if he wakes at 6am or heaven forbid earlier, first nap is still no earlier than 11am. on a normal day he is going down at 11.30am now. and then we are back on track for a few days til he needs a catnap again. also do 20/30 min quiet time at 5/530pm on one nap days, helps him make it to bedtime.

30 min low key activity downstairs before nap is critical here. usually ITNG :P but also reading books, walk, etc. (anything that will make him sit still for a while - he is now cruising along and between furniture  ;D) then upstairs book, grobag, lights off, kiss goodnight and into bed. bedtime is same but do bottle first, then the above.

rug up hun and keep warm

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2009, 11:55:19 am »
Morning all!! *yawn yawn*
Bad night for us as well!

Sorry to hear about your heating problems Helen. Hope it gets sorted quickly. How's the feeding routine going now Helen with the bottle/prop issue?

Artemis had swimming yesterday afternoon (after a 2hr nap :D ) but then refused her dinner and pm milk, so got a big yoghurt into her and her night bottle (reckon it's teething time AGAIN!!) Got her into bed as she was yawning and major eyerubbing at 7.45pm (this was 4hr15 A time) well, she slept but woke up after 40mins so DH tried to settle her (I was in the bath relaxing as I was coming down with a cold) and she finally went off again, then she was squeaking after 20mins (guess she didn't really sleep then) and was shouting, squeaking, giggling, chatting til 10pm!!! :o :o Then we had 2 NW and up this morning at the usual 8am.

Do you think we should put her to bed later as she is waking at 8am? I've left her bedtime the same as she is NW and sometimes having short naps, so want her to sleep when she can, but bedtimes are becoming a problem. DH thinks it's down to teething, but I'm not so sure as she plays rather than cries! Trouble is she stands at the cot rail and won't get down to sleep again il I go in.

Our naps work better too with a wind down of Winnie the Pooh on DVD for 20mins!! She's also started walking now (6 steps on her own!!)

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Re: Sudden routine madness since he turned 1!
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2009, 14:47:57 pm »
Andi - that's a hard question about the bedtime, especially with the NW. I think if she is having ok naps in the day then yes, put her down later. I find that a lot of times Lyle seems to have to have a 12 hour day.
However, (as is always the case with Lyle, this is not constantly true)
Night before last we had a 2 hour nw at 4 am. He didn't wake for the day until 8:45!!!! That is sssssoooooo unlike Lyle. He only napped 1h20m yesterday and he was READY for bed at a little after 6, however, we went to the city so he wasn't in bed until 6:40. Was asleep by 7 no fuss. Woke briefly about an hour later, but put himself back to sleep. So that was only a little more than a 10 hour day. But with the NW and small nap  :-\   He went from 1:30-6:40.
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