Author Topic: Some 2-1 nap questions  (Read 830 times)

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Offline Icedlemonade

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Some 2-1 nap questions
« on: January 01, 2009, 23:10:59 pm »
Hello! I got some practical questions.

1. If I am trying to push the 1st nap later,
but if the baby wake up eariler in the morning, should I still try a later 1st nap?
(i.e. He woke up at 7:00, nap at 11:00,
if he wake up at 6:15, should I still try to put him to nap at 11:00?)
If yes, would that make him OT?
If no, would that be a regression? What should I do next?

2. 1st nap at 11:00 (45 min), 2nd nap at 15:30,
if I push the 1st nap later (maybe 11:15), should I also put the 2nd nap later (15:45)?
But if the 1st nap is as late as 12:00, should the 2nd nap be at 16:30?
Would that be too late for a 2nd nap?
I read here:
that "Nap transition? (2-1) Unlike younger babies after 1 year old a late nap can affect night sleep."

3. If I limit his 1st nap shorter (45 min) and hope that he could have a 2nd nap,
(e.g. nap at 11:00 and wake him up at 11:45)
then I push the nap later to 11:15 and wake him up at 12:00,
when can I not wake him up and let him nap as long as he wish?

Thank you!!
SamSam (Dec 21, 2007) and LemLem (Jun 23, 2010), breastfeeding

Offline nevviemama

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Re: Some 2-1 nap questions
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 15:17:42 pm »
Hi Icedlemonade, marking my spot here! My dd is 14mos and we've been having trouble with naps and wondering about the 2-1 switch. Went through this at around 1 yr but then went back to 2 naps. In the last week (and things have been wonky because of the holidays), she has skipped her pm nap just about every day. Yesterday was terrible, slept in the car on our way home for am nap, but woke after 15 min. Then refused all naps afterwards, crying into hysterics. Ended up putting her down at 5pm and she slept solidly until 6:30am.
This am, put her down close to 10 and she cried for close to 10min but finally slept. I have similar questions especially about the later nap; since she's not sleeping well in the day, she may go down without a fight for a really late nap but I've opted for earlier bedtime cuz I worry about the night sleep if she naps too late.
Neve's mum
Born: Oct 21, 2007