Lately the second and third bottles have been a bit hard to get DD to drink. Then, because she hasn't drank well all afternoon, she wants a bottle around 5:30. Well, bedtime is at 7:00, so then she doesn't want to take that bottle because she just had one 1.5 hours ago. So, I'm trying to figure out how to tweak her routine and perhaps drop a bottle. The only problem is, I don't know if I'll be able to get her to take 8oz bottles. Right now she's teething so it's been hard to get her to take even a 6oz bottle in one sitting, usually I have to give her some, wait 1 hour and then give her the rest. Here's how today has gone so far:
6:40 - wake
7:30 - drank 5oz
8:30 - drank the last oz
9:00 - tried to give her yogurt but she refused
9:40 - I gave her 3.5oz since she hadn't eaten any breakfast
10:00 - asleep
11:20 - wake
12:30 - lunch, she ate quite a bit here
2:15 - drank 4.5oz
2:25 - asleep
I made her a 7oz bottle before nap so I'll give her the rest once she wakes. I don't normally give her a bottle before nap, but I thought she needed a little bit to drink since she hadn't had anything since before her first nap. So, as you can see, I need some assistance in fitting in 3 milk feeds around naps. I think once this tooth cuts she'll be drinking her bottles in one sitting again. She did this with her bottom teeth too. Thanks!