Author Topic: 2.5 yr old DD..weaning from paci and now she won't nap...please help  (Read 882 times)

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Offline JulieNG

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DD will be 3 April 5. She has always been an excellent sleeper but paci and blankie. She has been fighting naps for a few months now, but will nap about 3-4 times per week. We were down to 1 pacifier and then she bit a small hole in it. I cut the tip off and told her this was the last paci and she broke it. Last night was the day and she didn't nap, but went to bed fine last night. Today she didn't nap and now she is in her bed okay but not asleep. Any tips for making this easier and helping her nap without it? I'm afraid since she was fighting naps and now the paci is gone, the naps will be gone too! Is that worth it?? To me, NOOOO!!

Offline Dree

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Re: 2.5 yr old DD..weaning from paci and now she won't nap...please help
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 02:31:37 am »
I am in the same boat. My dd will not nap as well. But in our case it was due to a bed transition, her new toddler bed.  (She is 2yrs and 8mths old)...She won't nap at home but somehow manages at daycare. I lost my patience a few times. I hate myself because of it. Overall, I am a very patient person. I guess I miss her napping because sometimes, I would sneak into my bedroom and take a 1 hour nap as well. I get up at 4:30am every morning Mon to Fri. , so I catch up on my sleep on the weekends, if I get a chance. 

I weaned my dd from her paci at 18mths. It took more time for her to fall asleep but she adjusted. I only gave Sofia the paci in the car, naps and night time sleep. I never let her walk around with it awake. I thought if I restricted its use than weaning wouldn't be as difficult. We first took it away in the car. Then night time sleep then naps. The whole procedure took about 3 weeks for her to adjust. She still sleeps with her blankie. It helps her sleep.

Good luck
Dree  ;)
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