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LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« on: January 06, 2009, 11:00:28 am »
ahhhhhhhhhh I really wasn't sure where to post this so feel free to move to somewhere more appropriate! I just thought it's about EASY so here goes.......... :)

Well we are off to The UK in March LO will be 7 & a half months by then........

I looked at our itinerary today and realised that the first leg is almost 12 hours. Flight leaves at 7am so we will have to check in about 5ish.......This got me basically means that we will be on a plane for what would normally be a day at home, then I started to think about allllllllll the things I do.... i.e. to WD get her to go to sleep,entertain her,  special things I do to get her to take her feed and so on! CRAP!
I've now started to stress a little..... we stop in Dubai for 3 nights on the way, but on the way back all we have is a two hour stopover in Dubai, we're going for 2 adn a half weeks!!!!!!!!!!
Any tips on how we can get thru this and avoid D-I-V-O-R-C-E......... ;)
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2009, 11:16:05 am »
I think you'll be surprised how easy it will go. She'll probably sleep more than she would at home as the plane engine is like the mother of all white noise machines. So if she's woken a little earlier to check in at the airport she'll probably go down a little sooner and sleep for longer.
I would take a little bag of toys and books and be prepared to sing some songs and let her play with some finger food.
What things do you normally do to get her to sleep and feed?

Just try to relax as if you are stressing and tense she will pick up on that. Babies are adaptable. You are the constant and that's what they care about. Other passengers either have kids, have relatives who are kids and certainly were kids. They will be people like us. People expect a little crying and noone is going to give you a hard time if it takes her a while to settle - worst case scenario.
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2009, 11:27:30 am »
I'm sure you're right.we did 7 hrs to NZ when she was 15 weeks and that wasn't too bad.........just seems so much longer...... thanks for the tips!!
Whilse I thinkof it, you seem to have travelled long haul....... what did you do about taking a car seat or did you have one waiting at the other end???
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2009, 11:30:04 am »
Usually they will keep your pram/car seat at the front of the plane and give it to you when you get off. Worth a call to your airline to see what their policy is.

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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2009, 11:43:36 am »
yeah....... I already called them today, Emirates..... they will put seat below in hold, adn if we go over the baggage limit, (total 50kgs checked in for all three of us, lightest seat I can find to hire is 7kgs), they will charge $70 AU per extra kilo).........Pram can stay with us umbrella fold up
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2009, 11:44:03 am »
sorry forgot to say thank you tho :)
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2009, 12:22:14 pm »
we flew from australia to uk when hunter was 8 mths. easiest thing i found was to put him on uk time as soon as we got on the plane, so i kept his EASY day routine going until it was UK night time, changed into pjs, then let him sleep as much as he wanted. makes it easier to adjust to time zone change. also, you need to time the E for take off to help LOs ears adjust to the pressure. if LO cant wait til then try and offer a smaller feed so they can feed again on take off. you can use a dummy for landing as the pressure difference isnt so rapid, if you dont use one then will need to feed again. toys - bring some known favourites but also a couple of new things can help keep LO entertained. winddown - i just stuck to usual wind down (book, song, gro bag, bed), had to resort to rocking once...but hunter had his car seat strapped into his own seat so i had the advantage that he is used to sleeping in this.

food tips - disposible bibs are fantastic for flights!! i also took tetra packs of milk so didnt have to worry about water quality, etc. the hosties will heat any bottles/food for you but just get it well in advance, i always found it was way too hot and had to let it cool. not sure what food your LO is on, but we took at lot of squeeze packs of baby food as much much lighter than glass jars, plus crackers, rice cakes, etc as finger foods. if you are bf then you dont need to worry about sterilising, but if you are on bottles - you can get throwaway bottle liners, even disposible bottles, we took milton tablets and a container and got bottled water and did it during the layover.

layover - see if airline will give you your stroller so LO has somewhere to nap. if not, the baby carrier worked well for us too. our flight got delayed so we had a 6 hour layover! hunter napped in the lounge area for a bit and in the carrier.

it really isnt that bad as long as you are organised. hunter was fabulous the whole trip and really didnt seem to worry him. (our return flight home with a 1.5year old might be a different story tho :P)


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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2009, 20:46:45 pm »
We travelled with our DD when she was 7.5 months old. I agree with huntersmummyinoz about moving to new time zone on the plane, feeding, wind down, baby carrier! (we don't have tetra packs of milk or squeeze packs of baby food here, but that does sound easy!

Before we left I did all I could to prepare my DD for as many eventualities on our trip as I could. We taught her to sleep with curtains open or closed, radio on and off, white noise on and off, in a portacot etc. It wasn't till the trip that she learnt to sleep in a buggy and the baby carrier though (out of necessity - trying it at home didn't work for us).

I posted this thread when we got home. Might be helpful?
Jenny - mama to

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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2009, 21:05:24 pm »
Car seat regulations are different from country to country so it's worth checking before you assume you can use yours abroad. I've always had one waiting at the other end. We had our stroller stashed by cabin crew so you should be able to access it on the layover and keep it until the last minute at the gate.
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2009, 23:56:47 pm »
Thank you thank you to you all...........

Edesanja....... thank you for the link to your post.......made me feel much better.Funny you mentioned about the baby carrier, before I got to that bit i was thinking "why don't we just.....",  adn there you had written the same.....
My main concern was Dubai as I know i can get a seat in the UK, (gee I had a big stress about this last night! - feel knackered today!) So I think we will "baby bjorn" it till the Uk stop.... She hasn't been i it for a while so I think we better get her used to it again!
So it looks like I need to write  "to do" list , things to consider before we leave!!!! hehehhe
Thanks aagin guys! ;D ;D ;D
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2009, 11:56:06 am »

I'm very interested in this as well.

We're off to Oz in April to validate our visas   ;D  and Jessie will be 9 months then.

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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2009, 11:58:35 am »
oooooo how exciting where i Australia are you moving to? :D
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2009, 12:46:51 pm »

We were looking around Central Coast region.  Kind of Coffs Harbour or Port Macquarie, but I think to start off with it will be Brisbane.  Hubbie does air conditioning, so quite a good skill to have!!

We're flying to Brisbane and out of Sydney, so we can do a bit of a reccie as well.  We went to Oz when DS was just under 2 and it wasn't that bad with him.  I'm hoping that a baby will be easier!!

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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2009, 12:54:19 pm »
ahhhhhh it's lovely around that way. We used to live in Sydney but are in Perth now!
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Re: LONG HAUL FLIGHT - how does it fit into EASY????
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2009, 23:57:48 pm »
We flew from Melbourne to Glasgow with Emirates in December.  DS was brilliant.  We pre-booked the bulkhead seats that have the bassinet attachments and DS slept in there.  Emirates will carry the pram free of charge regardless of weight (we loaded it up with tons of DS's Christmas presents for the return journey-  must have weighed about 15kgs!) and we bought a car-seat from Argos for when FiL picked us up at the airport.  We were going to hire a car-seat, but it worked out cheaper to buy and leave it when we left.
DH carried DS in the Baby Bjorn at the airports and I had the trolley case and the nappy bag.  Are you BF? If so, that is so much easier than bottles.  We had to wash and sterilise each bottle and put them into zip-lock bags for the flight.  We also got the ready-to-drink S-26 formula to give on the plane.  Smells disgusting, but that is all we have here.  Lots more in the UK for the trip home.
food tips - disposible bibs are fantastic for flights!! i also took tetra packs of milk so didnt have to worry about water quality, etc. the hosties will heat any bottles/food for you but just get it well in advance, i always found it was way too hot and had to let it cool.
So true, I scalded myself checking to see how hot is was  >:(.  DH found that the male cabin-crew were better at getting the temperature right, he says that it is because they can take instructions better!  ;)
Our first 2 fights were night flights and DS got a lot of sleep on the flights.  First time on a plane and as we pushed back from the stand at Melbourne to start taxiing, he fell asleep!  Did exactly the same on all the rest of the flights.  ;D
One thing to remember, if you do have the bassinet booked, if the seat belts signs are on bubs can't be in the bassinet, they have to be on your lap with the seat belt around them.  (Don't bother with the seat belt expanders, the ordinary one is enough)
We let DS nap for about 2 hours at a time during the first day once we got to Glasgow and put him to bed at his normal time and hoped for the best.  He woke twice the first night thinking it was play-time and that was it.  Thank god for blackout curtains!
If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Have a great time, it will be better than you think!
P.S.  Emirates have complimentary strollers at Dubai if you need them, you can leave them at the plane door.