Thank you so much, Michelle!! It's great to know that I'm not alone!! Well, I hadn't seen your answer, so I started w2s!! For his first nap, I put him down after 1 hr 30 min A time. After 38 min of being asleep, he had his first jolt, I applied pressure and he started to wake up, so I started shshing and then patting, he closed his eyes immediately, but had several jolts. After 30 min of applying pressure, he fell asleep. I left his room and after 20 min, he woke up!! So, if I add up all the time he slept, he started his nap at 9:15 a.m. and at 9:52 had his first jolt, he opened his eyes, but closed them around 10:00 a.m and finally woke up at 10:40. So he slept 1 hr 25 min, is this how you count the time? So this was pretty good, isn't it??
In one of the links you suggested, I read that I could extend his A time by having very low key A time, so I put him in my sling 30 min before his nap, so he was finally in his cot at 12:30 p.m. I did w2s, and he had his first jolt at 1:10 p.m. He opened his eyes, and he closed them right away. I didn't have to shsh nor pat, but then, after 20 min of applying pressure, he had another jolt and he started crying, so I shshed and patted. He finally fell asleep around 1:40 p.m., I left his room and he slept until 2:15 p.m. It was good!! He slept as a total 1 hr 45 min!!
I'd really appreciate some feedback from you about how I did the w2s. Is this the way it is done? Should I continue doing it for all his naps or just some?
Thanks for your advice on reducing A times, may be I didn't try it long enough, but I think that right now I will stick with w2s, and see how it works, what do you think?