here are some I've found:-
My dd is 19 months old and her day looks like this:
6-6.30am: awake
7am: breakfast
11.30-12pm: lunch
1.15-1.30pm: nap (2hrs to 2hrs 30mins)
3.30-4pm: awake
6pm: dinner
7.30pm: bathtime/bedtime routine
8pm: asleep
My goodness, how do you all get your toddlers to sleep so much! I am soooo envious. He never sleeps longer than 10 hours a night unless he's sick. What am I doing wrong?
Here's Little Man's schedule:
He's 19 months.
6:00-6:30 Up and at 'em; give me breakfast!
8:30-9:30 (somewhere in there) Snack
11:00 Lunch
11:30-2:30 Nap
2:30/3:00 Snack
4:30 Dinner
7:00 milk
7:30 Wind-down
8:00 In bed
Edited: changed nap to an hour longer. Right after I posted this he started taking 2.5 to 3 hour naps and has been ever since. So now, thankfully, he's getting all 13 hours of needed sleep.
This is Margot's typical day at 20 months also after a diffcult 2 to 1 nap transition and very helpful time change!
6:00 wake up
6:45 bf and play in Mummy's bed
8 breakfast
9:45 snack
12 lunch
1-3 nap
3 snack
5:45 dinner
7 start bedtime routine, including teeth with daddy, stories, then bf with mummy and bed
8 sleep
about 10 hours overnight sleep, and usually 2 hour naps but naps still range for us from 1.5 to 2+ hours.
Carm is 25 months old.
7:00 wake up (usually anywhere from 6:00-7:00, but I don't get her until 7 a.m.)
7:30-8 breakfast
9:30 small snack
11:30-12 lunch
12:30 in bed for nap (usually takes awhile to fall asleep and sleeps 1.5 hours)
3:00 snack
5:30 dinner
6:00 go for a walk outside
7:00 bath
7:30 clean up, snack, books, upstairs to brush teeth
8:00 bedtime (usually asleep within 30 minutes..sometimes an hour)
Hayden will be 29 months next week, here is his schedule as of now at home. He is in daycare twice/week while I am on maternity leave and they nap 12-130.
500-600 wake
7ish breakfast
900 snack or juice
1100 lunch
1200-200/300 wake and milk or snack
500 dinner
630 bath
700 milk and snack
800 bed sometimes 730 on daycare days
We have struggled so long with early wakings, since as long as I can remember, but since he is in daycare, it is hard to adjust his schedule. The last couple of days he has gone to bed later because of special things going on during the summer which he hardly has ever done, we are usually very strict with bedtime. First night he went to bed 915 or so and woke 530, but last night went to bed at about the same time and woke at 645am. Almost thinking of keeping his bedtime a little later, maybe 830, just so he sleeps past 6am or later as he doesn't ever sleep more than 9.5-10 hours at night. Things might change when I return to work next month and he is only napping 1.5 hrs at daycare though.
Hope you can find something useful in that lot Rach, if nothing else it shows that her short nights aren't quite so rare, but they do seem to be making up for the short nights with decent length naps, what are your thoughts x