Hi Charm,
I've posted his very general (no two days are the same, sigh) 3-hour EASY above. Yesterday I tried to follow the 3.5 hourly one in the EASY Forum, from the thread that about transitioning by 5 min increments from 3 to 4 hourly EASY. (E+A for 1.45 hrs, S for 1.45 hrs) It wasn't very successful.
Yesterday ended up looking something like this:
Wake+E+A: 7-9 (Yay! The first time ever that he has been awake for 2 hours in the morning).
S: 9-10:30 - I had to wake him up, he wasn't too pleased.
E/A: 10:30-11:15
S: 11:15-12:45, at which point I tried to wake him up when he was moving between sleep cycles beecause I didn't want him napping for so long in the day. He was really grumpy.
A (and grumpy) 12:45-1:20 Daddy came home for lunch and we both decided he was tired, so we put him down for another nap.
S: 1:20-2:15 (i watched him move into light sleep and called his name; he opened his eyes and woke up)
E/A 2:15-3:45 Awake and happy
S: 3:50-4:35
A/E/A: 4:35-5:50
S: 6:15-7 (was trying to keep this real short. I didn't think he was done with the day at 6:15 so thought maybe a little nap might tide him over for another feed/awake period)
A+Bath+E+: 7-8:15
Bedtime: 8:30-ish we put him down. However, he didn't settle until 9:15, and then at 9:30 he woke up with a dirty diaper (shoot!).
Unfortunately, on and off again from about 10pm till 2am he was waking.
Night feeds: 11:15-11:35pm and 5-5:15pm
Total number of feeds in 24 hours: 7
Total napping time: approx 5h20m (4 naps)
He managed fine being fed every 3.5 hours. Unfortunately he can't really manage the 1 3/4 hr awake time in the 3.5-hourly EASY. When we were on vacation over Xmas he was fed every 2.5 to 3.5 hours (depending on where we were, what we were doing, etc), followed by some awake time (usually 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours), and followed by some nap time (anywhere between 3/4 hrs and 1 1/2 hours). I didn't mind the unpredictability of the naps - not knowing when the long one(s) would be and when the short one(s) would be - since we were on vacation. But now we are back and I am having to do some part time work, and it will be really nice to get a better sense of when nap times would be and for how long.
I just don't know whether the transition is a promising one in terms of a) adjusting his bedtime so it's a little earlier, and b) beginning to wean him off one of the night feeds, which I think he is ready for metabolically.
It's about 11:30am here right now and so far the morning has looked like this:
Lights on at 7; he didn't wake up till 7:30 despite being unswaddled, having his name called out, even picking him up; he was just limp in my arms until 7:30!
E+A: 7:30-9:10 (he was awake, but then was very sleep immediately after the feed and napped for 10 mins before he fully "woke up")
S: 9:10-10:50 (I fell asleep too b/c I was so tired, and didn't get him out of bed till 10:50)
E: 10:55-11:10. He has been really sleepy after this feed too - he's in his bouncy chair half asleep as I type.
Here are some of my thoughts and concerns and would love your feedback or even just some experience or encouragement about:
1. I just don't know whether I'm fighting a losing battle with the LO's body clock. It feels like nothing really works! I am no more certain of his schedule now than when he was 4, 6, 8 weeks old. There's just no knowing what he'll do.
2. He has _no_ trouble going down for naps if I observe tiredness cues - as in, he will be laid down, and asleep in about 8 minutes. So when we put him down for the night and he doesn't go to sleep, we know it's because he's not tired. Are babies supposed to be tired by that time of night?
3. All of this has led me to think maybe I should try the 3.5 hourly EASY, but again he can't seem to manage that much A time. It throws the schedule off when his A time is shorter than stated in the schedule, and if we were to keep to schedule he needs to have longer S time to compensate to make up the 3.5 hours. However, he doesn't need that much sleep so he wakes up early from his naps and then he is awake but can't hold out until the next stated S time. I also wonder if the three 1 3/4 hr naps combined (totalling 5.5 hours) will eat into his nighttime sleep.
4. I just don't know whether I should choose the EASY that accomodates to his A times (3 hourly, since he can only manage 1.5 hrs of A time), or whether I should choose the EASY that accomodates to his E capabilities (definitely able to be fed every 3.5 hours) as well as some of his 45 min naps (esp the ones when he wakes up happy and ready to go!)
4. So basically our son has almost always done 4 daily naps (instead of 3) before he would go to bed and stay in bed - at around 9-10pm, sometimes even at 11 (over Xmas his night sleep was from about 10:45pm till 8am since we all slept in; he'd wake up naturally at arond 8.). If we tried to make him go to bed earlier, he's just wide awake. We've tried to move everything forward slowly but it hasn't work - he just resists it.
I don't know whether or not to just give up and leave him be!! When I try to get him on the routine it's hard for everyone - I'm tired (and feeling discouraged) and he's grumpy, he doesn't sleep at night and I feel like we're fighting him all the time!