Author Topic: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?  (Read 1442 times)

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Offline mumtoevie

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So I've read the book and understand why it's important to not let your baby be nursed or rocked to sleep then transfer to their cot. What are you supposed to do when they fall asleep after their feed though? My baby will not wake up so I put her down asleep but she doesn't stay asleep for longer than a couple of hours at night (less at nap times). We've tried the sshh pat thing which occasionally works but not always and rarely in the evening. We pick her up to calm her down (doing the sshh pat) and quite often she'll instantly fall asleep before we've had chance to put her back! Or else the second we put her back down she'll start screaming again and this process can go on for hours. The problem is that she then obviously becomes overtired. We've tried using a dummy but she struggles to keep it in and then when she loses it she starts crying all over again so I don't think that's the answer either.
Does anyone have any advice for me please as I'm exhausted! Is sshh pat the only thing I can do at her age?

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 22:27:46 pm »
Hi and welcome to the boards! I have had some amazing advice and support here and I'm sure you will too!

Your little one is still soooooo young I wouldn't worry too much about shh-pat. It sounds like you are doing everything right. Use shh-pat when it helps, but when it doesn't, I would rock, jiggle or feed her or do whatever it takes to soothe her and avoid overtiredness. When they are still very small they often have a very fussy few hours in the evening - perhaps she has gas causing her pain? If she falls asleep doing shh-pat on your shoulder, just lay her down and let her sleep. If you're able to change a nappy or chat with her for a few mins after feeding and before a nap, that's great. If you're not routinely feeding to sleep, at 6 weeks, you're doing really well  :D

Re the dummy, have you got a newborn sized one? different brands have different sized teats too, so you might want to try a few different ones. Also is she swaddled? If not, you might find that a nice firm swaddle and a soundtrack of 'white noise' (try a track from the Little Sleepyhead CD if you're in the UK - no affiliation) turned up quite loud help her to sleep longer.


Offline bennysmama

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 22:51:19 pm »
Hi mumtoevie,

Big hugs to you!   Its sooo hard in the beginning but you *WILL* be thanking yourself for all the effort you put in once DD is putting herself to sleep on a regular basis.   I promise!  

If DD falls asleep after a feed, then sit her up gently.  Her eyes will pop open.  Alternatively, gently rub her hands.  Then change her nappy.  You don't need to keep her awake for terribly long,  just for enough time to break the eat-sleep connection (10 mins was plenty for DS).

Shh-pat can take a little while to work - my own record is 40 mins of shhing and patting, but usually it took around 20 mins.  If you stick at it, the amount of time gradually gets less and less.

The trouble with DD falling asleep in your arms is that, when you put her down,  she no longer feels weightless and warm in your arms.  Then she wakes up in a different place to the one she went to sleep in.  Confusing and scary!   Hence the screaming.   There are a couple of things you can do:

(1) aim to put her down in the cot/basket while still a little bit awake.  AND KEEP SH-ING AND PATTING AS YOU DO IT.  Keep going.  Up to ten minutes until her whole body melts into the cot.  

(2) swaddle and stick to a rock-solid consistent bedtime routine.

(3) if, despite your best efforts, she falls asleep in your arms then cuddle in the cot.  Lean over the cot and put her down.  Keep cuddling.  Gradually withdraw your arms.  If she wakes while you're doing this, start to shh and pat again IN THE COT.  

(4)  keep at it.  There will be times when it either doesn't work at all or you start feeling like you're spending EVERY waking hour in a darkened room, making "shh" noises.  :P    Its hard, no question.  But I promise you *WILL* be thanking yourself for all that effort in about a month's time when DS is regularly putting herself to sleep!

(5) don't beat yourself up.   She's only 6 weeks old.  That's still very, very little!  At that age, DS was still waking up every couple of hours in the night.  Are you BF-ing?  

(6) get rid of the OT before you start teaching sleep.  So go on a car journey or a long pram ride (whatever works best to guarantee sleep).  Then, when DS is rested and happy, you can start a consistent routine.

(7) can you get anyone to spell you?  Partner?  Mum?  Even if its just to give you a few hours respite, it helps sooooo much.  


« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 13:30:08 pm by bennysmom »

Offline ~Alexa~

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2009, 23:52:12 pm »
Welcome to BW!!! I started sleep training and using shpat when my lo was 7 weeks old.  I remember it was so frustrating because sometimes I would spend 1 hr shpatting and he wouldn't fall asleep.  I was so desperate!!  So what I did is relax!! I just realized that my baby was soooo young (just as annafofana said) and that I would have a lot of time for sleep training. 

My advice to you is to try shpatting for him to fall asleep, but if it doesn't work, do whatever it works for making your lo go to sleep.  Believe me, after a while it will start working.  I started shpat around 7 weeks, and it didn't work all of the times.  He got sick and for two weeks I let him fall asleep in my arms, then I started shpat again, and now my lo falls asleep by himself.  After doing it for almost 2 months!! So keep trying, but be aware that it won't work all of the times, but at the end it will give you results.  You won't regret the effort. 

Try not to worry so much about sleep training, enjoy your baby as much as you can and don't worry so much.  You will have lots of time for this!!!


Offline bennysmama

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2009, 09:30:59 am » that's 3 of us saying it:  six weeks is still very young, don't worry! :)

I can remember worrying that I'd failed DS when I didn't use shpat and, instead, *whispers it* put DS in the bouncy chair for a catnap or invented urgent reasons for car journeys....  ::)

Honestly, its fine.  As long as you keep at it the majority of the time, it gets easier and easier.  Again, don't beat yourself up!   I drove myself quietly crazy worrying when DS was only 6 wks.   

You'll see a lot of the experts here saying that a bouncy chair/swing is fine for a catnap.  Also a lot of people, me included, use white noise together with or instead of the shhing.  Doesn't seem to work for everyone, but if it does, it can save you an awful lot of jaw-ache! 

« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 13:28:49 pm by bennysmom »

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2009, 11:46:11 am »
Hi MumtoEvie

Congratulations on your happy arrival!!! It's 6 weeks and you're in one piece so give your-self a bit of a 'well done' hug right now!  :-* Sounds like you're doing really well and there's no time to start getting hard on yourself.... now that makes 4 people saying the same thing!!  :D

I started shh patt at 8 or 9 weeks when I discovered BW, thank GOD. Until then DS was a babe in arms and only slept on me, or by trickery. It is a tough call that only you can make: you need rest, LO needs rest but you want to do it in a way that doesn't create more problems. And it is hard, so don't go beating yourself up when you need to AP to get through tough times. Don't beat yourself up at all, please.  :(

So shh pat. It got my LO off my chest and into his crib so I am a massive fan. I think for some babies the combination of shh and patt can be too much, but I think at this young age should be okay.  This is what I did to get him off me and in that crib, and stay there:

 * make that crib nice and cosy: I stuffed a couple of hand towels rolled up down the sides so it was soft and snug against his body. When he was really tiny I also took off the top I was wearing (so it smelled like what comforted him) and popped it in there too (side or underneath. A muslin that's spent a few hours under my top, tucked in my bra also worked well - folded and tucked along where a pillow would be. Great for spitups.... Oh, and a wheattie or heatpack or hot water bottle to warm up the bed just a little helped me too

 * find a rhythm that works for you both: the first time I tried shh patt it didn't work. I was shhhing like a banshee; loudly, too fast, too stressed to be relaxing and sounded panicky. Enter DH who (less stressed and tired) found a rhythm for us.My shhh sounds, to me, like water coming in over pebbles in the tide and back out it's stronger in the middle and long. Then I got my pat rhythm too, I tried the tick tock tick tock (I'd used a heart beat rhythm previously and that worked well too). Very gentle pat on middle of upper back. I kept in my head what it was meant to simulate: womb noises, the wooshing of fluids and the tick tock of your heart. Your LO's used to that sound; comfort. You're recreating it. Not loud, not stressed, not panicked...just gentle and try to tune out if you know what I mean? Sounds unbelievably anal but over a count / beat of 8 (tick tock = 2), my shh lasted 6. The pat was constant.

 * swaddle. I initially didn't for the first few weeks of his life as he fought his way out (monkey) and was scared of them. But it worked for us and while he fought initially, he didn't relax anywhere near as well without it in the first few weeks of his bed.

 * right then. shh patt  him while holding him over your shoulder or, if you can, in a cradle position (less noticeable when LO's laid down). Keep it going: if screaming, be a little louder so LO can hear and quieter when they quiet down. As soon as you feel that lovely little body going a little more limp and floppy get ready for your move...and keep patting... and not move them into the sleeping position still in your arms...still patting, shhing, still your warmth. Now start moving into the crib / bed, still spspspspsp. lay down gently and keep your face close to theirs (oddly warm breath near his cheek would often resettle my LO when being moved), once you've laid down, keep spspspsps. Hard so you might need to lay on side to reach back or start patting on chest (I found back hard after a while so I started patting chest before I laid down and continued in crib), keep it going but start easing off the volume and the pressure of the pat, slowing both gently. I did this until he was in a deep sleep. And sometimes he'd wake, and the SP would begin again (while still in crib whenever I could). Sometimes I'd fall asleep SP'g. Gradually (but as quick as you feel you can) start doing less and less of the sp to get them to sleep: so aim to get them in their bed, comfortable and ready for sleep.

 *going down sleepy but awake: great to do this if you can. I couldn't initially. DH would put him in asleep, after a few mins of sleep in arms with SP (still SP). I would put DS in as soon as I felt his head flop a little then get him to deep sleep in crib. Over the space of a week, I put him in the crib earlier and did less SP to get him to sleep. So...initially when his head flopped a little (just fallen asleep). Next time, just as head flops. Then just as body goes limp and relaxed but before the head flop... do you see what I mean. While in the bed, gradually do less SP to get them asleep

 * keep an eye on the road ahead: where you are heading - to be able to take your baby and, after a wind-down, lay them in their bed awake and leave them to put themself to sleep. It may seem madness, but it's where you want to get to. So everything you do should be a move towards independent sleep (there are times you can't. AP with rocking etc can be necessary when you both need rest). Eventually, SP can slow to become your hand on chest with a little gentle pressure. Or you might not need to do anything at all!!!

 * cries whenever you lay him down: Em is bang on. If you were in the cosiest place you can imagine, you'd be vocal when moved. You are warm, soft, smell like home and comfort and LO's world. Snuggled up with you is where they want to be more than anything so any move from this isn't really met with great joy. The aim is to get them so relaxed and focused on the sp that they don't really notice the move (helps if you're moving them somewhere warm!) and feel that you are still near (breath, warmth, pressure of patt initially). They don't know the bed is safe. But you do. Sounds obvious but in the frustrating sleep deprived hours I had to remind myself of that all the time to keep my sanity.

My LO cried everytime put down for the first few days I think. And sometimes does now. If LO's distressed and upset, pick up and keep the sp going til they're relaxed again. And start the move again...frustrating, much? I tried to comfort in crib wherever possible, but sometimes it's not. Judge quickly the type of cry - a resettlable grizzle or an all out 'I need you' cry. I'd pick up if the latter and resettle with SP in arms; I'd try to resettle a grizzley cry in the crib but not always possible.

 * evening screaming used to happen with us for the first 6 / 8 weeks. Not sure if it was the long day or wind or ??????. Keep an eye on if it continues even when you manage to get them down the rest of the time. May be something healthwise. I put LO on infacol at  weeks and took him to a cranial osteopath. One, both or neither fixed it for us. It really is a guessing game sometimes.  :-\  6 week growth spurt lasted several days for us and all the screaming for food was in the evening - balastic screaming and frenzied feeding and OT but wouldn't sleep because just wanted feeding. Urghhh. Good times, eh  :D

 * OT: I have a rule that we still stick to now. If OT and the usual thing (SP or GW) isn't working, then we AP to get DS to sleep by whatever means necesarry. I had 3 options I knew: pram (didn't always work for me), car (90% success here) and my snuggled against my chest (was 100% now 5%!  :(). I'd pop him in the car first of all, check he was warm enough and drive. He woke if car stopped (rushhour was a 'mare), same with a pram. I would drive for hours if necessary around and around and around. Dual carriageways, ringroads, motorway...anything to get him asleep and see off the OT demons. The next nap we'd get back to that bed.

 * If bed isn't LO's favourite place, try the afternoon nap somewhere else that they like so they get a break of scene before nighttime. I did the pram for the afternoon nap. Slept better with fresh air, helped me get out and feel a little more human.

It's a horrifically really long post and I'm sorry. Just trying to give you everything I can think of to help you.

Hugs and congratulations!!


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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2009, 16:19:16 pm »
Great advice from Charlotte!! I think it covers it all!!! It would have been great to get these words when I started SP!!
I used a baby sling for OT and it still works!! :P

Let us know how you are doing


Offline mumtoevie

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2009, 18:16:52 pm »
Thanks for all the advice everyone. I think maybe OH and myself have been putting too much pressure on ourselves. The first 6 weeks have been so difficult, especially the first 2/3 when she would only sleep on my chest or in the pram/car seat. She is getting better now but we're still really struggling, particularly with the day naps and are finding the evenings impossible. We just really don't want to develop bad habits that will be hard to get out of and thought we should start as we mean to go on but maybe that's not possible. She's our first baby so we didn't know what to expect but everyone around us keeps saying what angels theirs are so we were wondering why ours is so difficult (much as we love her).
We've tried swaddling but she hates it and always escapes.
We bought the tiny soothers as well as she's a small baby but she still struggles with them and screams when she loses it.
I think I will try one of the white noise cds as she does love the hairdryer and electric toothbrush. It would be far better than sshhing as well as I find it exhausting after a while.
I will try the other suggestions too so thank you all for your help and it's nice to know you've all been in the same boat!

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Re: No success with sshh pat yet! How do I get my 6 week old to fall asleep?
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2009, 22:13:40 pm »
Wow!!! Sounds identical to where I was at that time!!!

Swaddling for us was key. And he hated it at first, fought out of it. I found the key was to do it tight, and quick. I struggled with the blankets and sheets for swaddling and bought a swaddle wrap which worked well. Then I got one of the miracle ones where the arms get pinned down, once he was a little too strong for the last one. I'd loosen it a little once he was asleep. I didn't swaddle at night when he was alone for longer than a few hours.

Why it worked for us is that despite hating it initially for 5 mins (less each time) it makes them feel safe and snug and held when you aren't holding them. So they are comforted,

And don't go thinking that you're not doing a good job. Or that everyone else has angels and you've spoilt yours...nonsense. I thought the same. Other Mums st groups said they weren't having any trouble at all, etc and I hated going to the groups because I thought I was doing it all wrong. I went back. A few months on and other people reveal that thet weren't having that easy a time at all. Their babies weren't STTN from the start...etc etc.

It's your first time. You are doing great. Main thing is to keep yourselves well and together. If you can do that without AP that's great; if you can't don't worry. AP can be fixed later.

You are doing a great job. Go look in the mirror and tell the person looking back at you that. I think they need to hear it.  :-*

Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. xxx