How do you help LO resettle in the middle of the night if he won't take a paci? My DS will be 10 weeks old Monday. Reflux, but not really bad as he can lay on his back without screaming and is medicated. The crib is tilted for his reflux. Last night he woke at 1 am and I knew he was not hungry so I waited and he just stirred more until he was crying. DH decided to feed him so he would go back to sleep and DS only took 1 ounce and gagged. He had a hard time going back to sleep after that and cried on and off for an hour until I attempted another bottle which he took more and finally went back to sleep. He will not take a paci, gags on it and pushes it out with his tongue. I remember getting my DS1 through night feeding with the paci. What do you do if they won't take one? How will I ever get him to settle back down without resorting to AP (swing) or something. I am going back to work in 1 1/2 weeks. Help.