OK so the one thing I am missing - so much that it HURTS - since having Katie is ...skiing. I always used to go somewhere in Europe once or twice each year to ski with some friends. DH doesn't ski so it was always just me and some friends.
Now that Katie is nearly two, I am wondering how many more years I need to wait before I can go and take her with me... I certainly don't want to go until she's dropped her lunchtime nap as that will be too much hassle to plan around - but I was wondering either when she's three or four whether to give it a go - I know I won't really get any skiing done but at least we will be there and she will start getting used to the snow and we can go toboganning, and maybe sometime in the future Katie will be able to ski too and we can go together...
Who else has taken thier LOs skiing, and at what age?
Any tips?
Bryony xx