My son started Neocate this past Thursday (2/19). He just turned 8 weeks yesterday.
Long story short about 4 weeks ago he was having mucus/runny stool with a very fowl smell and he was just not as happy as he was the first couple/three weeks of life. It took 2 dr. visits for them to test his stool and they found microscopic traces of blood. She automatically changed his formula to Nutramagin. He seemed to be much happier and the smell of his stool had improved, but I took him last Monday because of a severe cold and when they were taking his temp. rectally he had a BM and the nurse and I both saw a small red speck that was obviously blood. It was still testing positive for blood (but he had only been on the Nutramigen for a week or so).
After talking to a GI specialist she called this past week and wanted to put him on Neocate. Since he has been on it his temperament has changed back to moody, uncontent, gassy, fussy baby as before. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem with the Neocate and if it normal or may just take time to adjust to. I am concerned that she changed his formula to soon and didn't give the Nutramigen time to work because he seemed much more happy on it.
He has gone from 3-4 BMs per day to just one. He strains and fusses throughout the day, but in turns just passes smelly gas. The Dr. is not interested in rechecking his stool for blood. I guess she assumes this is an automatic fix.
I was just reading about all the great things Neocate has done and just wondering if it took some time to work. Most of the children I have read about are older that my 2 mo. old. Maybe he is too young for something this strong??
Any input would be interesting.