Author Topic: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!  (Read 71098 times)

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2009, 21:42:54 pm »
Hi I've just been reading your stories about the eczema its so sad to see your lo`s suffer like that, I suffered with eczema when i was a child so know how distressing it can be, I was really worried my ds would get eczema too but that's not the case it turns out that he has mpsi though, he has been on neocate a while now which is working wonders, he was suffering before the neocate very little weight gain and constant vomiting he was really poorly bless him.

I also never got given a copy of the spiral bound neocate guide, It would of been usefull to me as i will be weaning soon too, Cant understand why the pediatrician wouldn't of thought to give it to us when given the neocate. But thanks for showing the the recipe link will definitely be looking there.

chantelle  :)

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2009, 17:26:33 pm »
My son started Neocate this past Thursday (2/19).  He just turned 8 weeks yesterday. 
Long story short about 4 weeks ago he was having mucus/runny stool with a very fowl smell and he was just not as happy as he was the first couple/three weeks of life.  It took 2 dr. visits for them to test his stool and they found microscopic traces of blood.  She automatically changed his formula to Nutramagin.  He seemed to be much happier and the smell of his stool had improved, but I took him last Monday because of a severe cold and when they were taking his temp. rectally he had a BM and the nurse and I both saw a small red speck that was obviously blood.  It was still testing positive for blood (but he had only been on the Nutramigen for a week or so). 
After talking to a GI specialist she called this past week and wanted to put him on Neocate.  Since he has been on it his temperament has changed back to moody, uncontent, gassy, fussy baby as before.  I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem with the Neocate and if it normal or may just take time to adjust to.  I am concerned that she changed his formula to soon and didn't give the Nutramigen time to work because he seemed much more happy on it.
He has gone from 3-4 BMs per day to just one.  He strains and fusses throughout the day, but in turns just passes smelly gas.  The Dr. is not interested in rechecking his stool for blood.  I guess she assumes this is an automatic fix. 

I was just reading about all the great things Neocate has done and just wondering if it took some time to work. Most of the children I have read about are older that my 2 mo. old.  Maybe he is too young for something this strong??

Any input would be interesting.

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2009, 17:41:09 pm »
I don't know where everyone is from but here in the US Nutramigen came out with a formula that is called Nutramigen AA and it is essentially the same thing as Neocate but it is over the counter.  It is still pretty hard to find (only found 2 places that carry it...a Rite Aid pharmacy next door to a hospital and the hospital's medical supply store) but our peds GI office gets TONS of samples so they give them to us on a weekly basis.  Don't know if that is an option for you or not but just thought I'd let you know about it!  Oh, and I think I found it one other place online (I think it was Enfamil's website???)  I hope everyone's LOs are doing ok!

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2009, 18:51:22 pm »
I did find that it took about a week or two for his system to get use to it.  At first his BM's were runny, and then they went back to normal.  Could be that he just needs some more time.
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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2009, 19:57:04 pm »
Is it possible that the neocate has made your lo constipated. This is quite common. Some babies/children have to take something for constipation at the same time.


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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2009, 18:49:20 pm »
I had read about Nut. AA, but the Dr. did not mention it.  After reading about it, I found there was not much difference.  I am in the US and we are having to order the Neocate in bulk.  Thankfully insurance is helping to pay some.

I know he spit up a lot more on this than when on regular Nutramigen.  This is like the consistency of water, but my Dr. is absolutely against cereal of any sort until 4 mo.

I called yesterday to ask the Dr. about constipation.  She says everything is normal...problem is she has been telling me everything is normal all along.  So of course I am loosing my confidence in her.  We are trying to get into another Dr. on Thursday that can hopefully help straighten us out.  Thanks again for all of your advice help.

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2009, 19:18:15 pm »
Hi Natasha, I've not been on the boards in a while and so I can't remember where you are at with your doctor and a paed on getting a Neocate script, but if you are still buying it on your own, have you tried Weston's online pharmacy to see if they are cheaper?

They do Neocate and Nutramigen AA - as pp said Nutramigen AA is their amino acid formula, which is exactly what Neocate is, so it's merely a matter of brand.  May be a bit cheaper for you if you are still kicking your doc's butt into giving you the Rx for it.

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2009, 21:40:17 pm »
I noticed that nutramigen AA made my LO more constipated and gassy....regular nutramigen didn't  :-[

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2009, 17:39:17 pm »
Hello everyone,
I'm glad to see some of the posts on nut. aa.  My lo has been on it since 9 mo and is now 11 mo.  He is doing much better with eczema and allergies but is very constipated and gassy.  My dr. prescribed Miralax for the constipation but that just seems to make his gas worse.  It does help with his stools, though, so the dr. wants him to stay on it and just "deal with the gas".  Any suggestions?  Anyone out there with a similar problem?  Any advice you may have would sure be appreciated.  I'm at the end of my rope here!

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2009, 08:10:18 am »
Hi - I don't know much about nutramigen, but we've come to the end of week 4 on Necoate and he's getting his feed sizes back up, and the eczema is much better. It hasn't gone completely, but its reduced by about 70 per cent. I have now been given 1 per cent cortisone cream to use for a week to see if that can get rid of it, still waiting for that appointment at the allergy clinic.

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2009, 12:39:55 pm »
Wow!  I'm glad he's doing so much better!  Hopefully you'll get an appt soon!
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Offline christineangel

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2010, 20:15:15 pm »
my peadiatrician gave us neocate but only peads can perscribe it not GP's, i went to A & E in the end and finally they gave it to me!

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2010, 20:20:18 pm »
Go to A&E i did in the end, your GP wont perscribe it as only the peadiatrician can do it !!!

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Re: Neocate - success stories and stories of side effects wanted!!!
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2010, 05:26:00 am »
Neocate, while making for stinky poos, was a blessing in our lives.  DS was on it from 12 weeks until just past a year when we tried wean to Nutramigen.  That failing, he has been on Rice Milk ever since.  I have started allowing cheese on his pizza the past few months and it seems to be going well.

Good luck.
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