My 5 1/2 month old daughter has always been a great sleeper and has slept through from 10pm to 7am from about 8 weeks old. About a month ago she started waking about 4 ish once a week. Originally assuming a growth spurt I fed her and she demolished a 7oz bottle in no time. So assuming hunger have also fed her the other times, she always goes straight back to sleep. She is on 4 hour EASY routine so I was pretty sure she was hungry having ruled out anything esle. Have just started weaning her 2 weeks ago as she also went back to feeding more often in the day and waking up hungry from daytime sleeps. She then started to sleep through again like a dream...until 3 days ago. The other thing that is a factor is we have moved to holland about 10 days ago and it did unsetlle her for a few days but we are back to her usual daytime routine now so I don't know if this is contributing to the problem. The last few days are different to her previous wakings. I'm not convinced it is hunger as she is having 30 - 35oz of formula and some solids at 11am and 6pm feeds and I am having great difficulty settling her back to sleep - usually taking about 90 mins, I also wait before rushing in to allow her to try and settle herself. last night I tried not to feed her, gave her a dummy, cooled boiled water which she had 2 oz of. But as soon as I put her in her cot she would cry, tried shush pat etc to no avail and so in the end fed her. She took 5 oz but think it was just because it was offered rather than hunger. Don't know what else to do. Dreading tonight as not sure what to do for the best and don't want to do anything to encourage her new little habit - help!