Hi Bethany,
Thank you very much for your kind reply. Since I didn't get any reply for the first couple if days I stopped checking the website in last few days. Now things get really worse. My poor little baby could wake up every 30 min in first two hours of sleep, then every hour in the rest. I strongly agree with you that CIO is a very very bad idea - I used it in several cycles starting November 2008, and now I have to totally give it up with the final result much worse than before CIO. Like you said, she was so afraid of the crib and I lie her down there. When she was awake she started to panic and murmured "mom, papa" at the same time. Actually I know being consistent is a key so although I hate CIO I had to carry on because if I gave up all her cries before was gone into nothing. Until one week ago, she was crying and crying for an hour, and when I walked into her room, I found her standing up on the corner of the crib for at least 40 min!
Poor girl. That's how she learned to stand up finally. I opened the TV monitor 40 min ago before entered into her room but found a black screen - then later I found she somehow turned it off at her end. That's why I couldn't use CIO anymore. I found I had to pay it back because she turned to be very sensitive and I have to spend more time with her every waking. She is now 10.5 months, and I don't know how long I will have to wait till she could sleep at five or six hour stretch? She used to be so good...Another funny thing is, in last week she poopoo around 2:00am at least three days. She could poopoo three times in a 24 hour period, and the poopoo look very good. I know quite some NWs are due to too many "tummy" activities. I really couldn't understand why. She is such a happy and easy-going baby during the day, eat well, sleep well and play well...Anyway, here is her current schedule. Can anybody let me know what I did wrong and make her so exited during the night (besides CIO)?
6:45am-7:00 am - wake up. She usually wake up with poopoo so I clean her up and let her lie down with me and my older daughter on my bed till 7:30
8:00 am bottle fed 7OZ
8:30 am soon after formula, eat rice crawl/barley cereal or some home-made rice soup
9:00am - 10:00am activities she just learned to crawl when she was exactly 10 mon old
10:00am - 11:30am morning nap She coulnd sleep on her own for most of the time one week ago - now she has to be held or rocked at the latter part of the nap
12:00pm - bottle feed 6oz, then soon after the formula she would have lunch (jar food with mixed fruit and ceral, or home-made smashed noodles with vegetables and chicken meat)
1:00pm - 2:30pm activities
2:30pm or 3:00pm start afternoon nap, usually 1.5 or 2 hours. She has to be held after half an hour...
5:00pm: bottle feed (6oz) then fed with cereal
7:30pm - start to wash
8:00pm - have 7oz bottle and sleep
9:00pm- the 1st wake, hold and rock and lie down in 5 min ...
9:40pm - the 2nd wake, can be quiet down in 5 or 10 min...
Then from 10:00pm to 7:00pm - no more routine; can wake up every 30 min, or every 1 hour or two hours. But lately she was totally awake around 1:30am and I found she was having poopoo. She usually sit up in her crib in this time.
Tried to recall how my older daughter behaved at the same age, but I never used CIO on my older daughter. Really hated it. Couldn't imagine how I put her down before she is awake. She would be very resistant. Should I walk away, or use PUPD? Or just hang in there till she is bigger? I have to ask for more helps!