Author Topic: The 45-minute-all-nighter  (Read 713 times)

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Offline Mommy W

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The 45-minute-all-nighter
« on: January 15, 2009, 04:55:44 am »
My husband and I are falling apart!
(Unfortunately, both of our parents are a plane ride away and can't help.)
My 8-month-old was never a good sleeper, but we had him sleeping not through, but decently, until about a month ago.  Then, his sleep started deteriorating more and more until we're now at the point of waking every hour or less all night, sometimes going back to sleep quickly but other times screaming on and off for up to an hour.  The wake-ups are totally not consistent, every night is different, some better, some worse, but one thing that is consistent is a 4:30 LONG wakeup.  I usually take him into my bed sometime around 5:30-6 and nurse him.
When he wakes up, I usually don't nurse him, because he hasn't between 11:30-6 in months, and is doing great on solids.  But when I do try it "just in case", it doesn't help anyway -- he goes right back to screaming as soon as I try putting him back in his crib.  Sometimes he wants his paci, other times I try to put it in and he pushes away my hand.  He also is sometimes calmed by patting his stomach or rocking his crib.  However, NONE of these things work for that 4:30 wakeup, and neither does picking up and putting down.  I must add that for a while, he had a prop of needing to fall asleep on my husband's lap!!! at this 4:30 wakeup (this also took up to an hour), and we stopped this for about a week now.  But we can't do wake to sleep, because he probably won't be sleeping at 3:30 either!
During the day, he is generally happy, although lately somewhat clingy and less playful, as he should well be!  We wake up 7-7:30, although I tend to cheat on weekends.  The first nap is usually 9-11:30, and he needs to be nursed to sleep.  He's not so good about taking a second nap, so lately I've just been napping in bed with him, and when he stirs after 45 minutes, I quickly start nursing, and then I walk away and he might sleep another 45 minutes if we're lucky.  Other days, my husband takes him.
Thanks for reading this long message!  Please help quick!

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Re: The 45-minute-all-nighter
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 23:06:24 pm »
Oh my goodness, how awful! I remember a lot of nights like that with my son too.

It sounds to me like you have a couple of problems going on. The first being props - it's good that you eliminated the need to fall asleep on dad's lap, but it seems pretty clear that nursing to sleep is a prop. If you want to truly achieve independent sleep for him, you're going to have to make some changes.

Also, having a morning nap of 2.5 hours is just too long. You never want any nap to be over 2 hours because it will rob from night sleep and generally screw things up as you're seeing. Especially if he's not really napping much the rest of the day. He's surely very OT by bedtime.

When Colin was 8 mo we were doing this -

8:00am wake and bottle
9:00 solid breakfast
10:30ish nap #1
12:00 wake and bottle
12:30/1 lunch
3:00 nap
4:30 wake and bottle
5:30 dinner
7:00 bath, books, wind down, etc. Maybe top up feed
8:00 bed
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o

Offline Mommy W

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Re: The 45-minute-all-nighter
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 07:13:31 am »
Okay -- last night we tried the "gentle removal" for his paci at bedtime, it went terribly and he ended up crying for 1.5 hours and not going to sleep until 10.  During the night, it was Dad's turn and he rocked the crib each time, no paci.  Baby Boy woke up briefly about once an hour, then from 5 he was up, slept again 6:30-8 with me (I guess we'll need to stop this.)  If we try pu/pd, how long can we expect each session to last?  (I can't sell it to my husband without a realistic time frame!)

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Re: The 45-minute-all-nighter
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 09:03:19 am »
Honestly? It can take a long time. maybe 2 hours if you're doing it at night, when you don't take a break. But, it quickly gets quicker. If you decide to go that route, it's imperative that both you and DH are completely on board with it, and nobody's going to start putting him to sleep on their lap, or nursing, or anything else. PUPD is really hard work. But it'll likely be a week of hard work followed by much better sleep.

Good luck, we stopped feeding to sleep at night at this age too, it was tough but worth it.
