DD is 6.5 months. Her routine used to be 8am-8pm and now(much to our discontent) it's 6:00am to 6:00pm ish due to OT and skipping catnaps for the past 2 months. For the past couple days, she's been waking around 5:30amish, will toss and turn, roll left, roll right, look around, try to sleep on her tummy, try to sleep on her back, and try to sleep on her side. Sometimes she's successful in falling back asleep for a good 40mins, but more often than not, she'll only doze off for 5-10mins but will start moving around again(I let her do this for 30mins before I go into her room). Sometimes she'll play quietly for a while before I'm even awake. When does A time start? At the first time I hear her? After her dozes?
Her sleepy cues are hard to follow as she doesn't rub her eyes or yawn until I'm done with the wind-down routine and am about to put her into her crib. In the past, a morning A time of 2hr20min will give us 1hr30min nap. Usually it's very easy to put her down for a nap as I use the clock to give me a good idea - she'll be out in 1 min. When her mornings are iffy, I try to follow her sleepy signs but every now and then , she'll fight her first nap like this morning.
This morning
5:40 Heard her, rolling around
6:05-6:15 Fell asleep on her side
6:15 Heard her again -she started coughing
6:15-6:40 rolling around
6:40 got her up to start the day, eat...
8:00 quiet time
8:20 Saw a first yawn,wind-down routine and she started whining, she knew it was nap time and didn't want to go to sleep
8:20-8:40 took some breaks, gave her more quiet time, tried wind-down routine twice more...
8:55 Finally asleep
Any advice is great appreciated!