I have the same prob, my lo only naps for 35 minutes exactly! This makes it near impossible
To stay on the easy routine as when bottle time comes around he has been up for quite a while and is obviously tired and usually conks out during his bottle. I have found (through the help of a particularly messy nappy) that a midday bath before he is due his second nap magically extends the nap to 1 hour 40 minutes! Not a solution for every nap I know, but at least it gives him one good nap during the day. I had tried everything I could think of previous to this to extend naps.. Making sure he is not over-stimulated, Shh/pat, getting in before 35 minutes to place my hand on him, leaving him to settle himself etc but nothing has worked so far apart from the bath. Do u think this would mean he is not stimulated enough during activity time?