Hi my LO is just gone 6 months and has been eating solids for 3 weeks on medical advice.He has reflux which is well controlled with meds but he has always been a fussy bottle feeder.introducing solids has been a real nightmare as he has shown a real preference towards food (as a result of his reflux i would think) and as a result balancing milk intake has been hard.He has simply refused milk on many an occasion.I have played around with the routine a lot over the last week and this is what seems to work(at the moment)
would appreciate any ideas/tips.Does this look about right or does his milk intake need to be more?
?(real battle to take more)
7am 8oz formula
7.45/8 2tsp rice with ! cube of fruit and 2oz formula to mix
9.30-11 Nap
11.3045 6oz formula
12.45/1 4 to 5 tlsp solids
refuses to take any formula for entire afternoon.Just is not hungry
4.45-5 15 min CN
5.45/6 9oz
6.30/45 After bath-5tsp cereal with ! fruit and 3oz formula
7 bed
10.30 4oz
I have tried tea at 5pm which he readily takes but will then refuse formula going to bed and demand a large dreamfeed so i have swapped these around.weird the way he will still take the same but in reverse order!!Not ideal but it works!