Hi Anita,
I've been reading up on your posts in the other boards and I noticed that you have a spirited one, too. I understand the frustrations you may feel about things not improving as quickly as you would like. I have 2 spirited ones and I can tell you that things CAN get better and you just have to be consistent and patient.
Since your lo is in the solids refusal phase right now and the night feeds are disruptive, I (IMHO) would suggests that you really concentrate in getting as much milk into her during the day (as it has everything she needs). Don't worry about her taking only a few oz at a time. (You can worry about spacing out the feeds once the nightfeeds are gone.) If you find that she likes coconut yogurt, give her that as well. I agree with Charlotte (A pair of Charlies) to flavour everything with it as well. Feed her until she wants to stop, take a break. If the meal (milk & solids are low) try feeding again in 30 min or so. If you think she is distracted by something, do it in a quiet place. Some moms found that their los will eat better if they are looking out the window or something. You know her best, experiment with finding the optimal feeding surrounding.
Keep doing it for a few days to see if the amount in the night feeds will decrease. This does not mean that she won't wake up, as it may become a habit now. Once you noticed an increase in the milk & solids during the day, work on settling her back to sleep without feeding or set a time that you will feed. For example, you will feed her if it has been 7-8 hrs. All other times, you or dh settle her with whatever method you feel most comfortable with. Give it a good 4-5 days to see some improvement and a good 2 wks to make it work.
When ds was around 9 mos & I wanted to wean him of his 4-5 am feed, so I fed him as much yogurt (his favorite at the time) and offered as much bm as he wants. Once I figured he didn't need the nightfeed anymore (he was just using me as a prop), I started to slowly decrease the time on the breast. Once it was down to 2 mins, dh took over in settling ds back to sleep. Ds didn't like it that first night but dh and him had an understanding after about 1hr.
Can you get dh to help?